Status: active. :)

Runaway Love


Fluttering my eyes open, my hands habitually run through my hair. Yet, my fingers felt sticky in my locks. This act caused me to recollect the events of last night. Oh.

A smile creeped up on me as I figured out why I was crawling out of my bed naked from beside another bare body. Not just any body, though. Justin Bieber's angelic face lay on my pillow. His abs were peeking out from under my sheets. And, most importantly, he had been given my virginity.

I concluded by his steady breathing that he would be out cold for at least another hour, and I figured I could recollect my thoughts in the shower before he even realized I had left. Waiting for the water to warm, I turned to the mirror and mentally kicked myself at what a giddy smile was smeared on my face. It wouldn't move. My smile was absurd but so fulfilling.

Steam filled the air in the suffocating fashion, and I made my shower quick. I stepped out of the stuffy bathroom wrapped in a towel, only to find my overnight guest had already left. Curious, but not completely bewildered, I finished getting ready. I told myself that he probably had to be at the airport a bit earlier then I had to be, seeing as wherever he appeared needed maximum security.

My suitcase had never been completely unpacked, so the procedure to leave was fairly easy. I simply pulled on a romper in a tangerine color, slipped on a brown pair of Tevas, put on a mild amount of make-up, and grabbed my things.

The crowd at the airport was expected. I don't know how these girls kept constant tabs on Justin, but they were very effective. Once I arrived at our designated port of meeting, I barely caught a glimpse of Justin through the crowd, as he was shuffled to the loading dock. I meekly called his name, but it was drowned out by the screams.

I took quick steps to catch up, but was swiftly cut off by Scooter. He held up a dramatic hand with a ticket in it and said, "Woah, woah. Where do you think you are going? That's first class, sweetheart. Here's your ticket. It's called coach. We'll meet up when we land."I lugged my remaining carry-on bag and my spirit to the different entry area.

Once I arrived at my seat, I found a beautiful blonde pushing her Coach luggage into the overhead compartment. She was young, probably around 23 and was dressed to the nines. Her long eyelashes and smokey eye make-up was perfectly applied. She was easily 5'7'' without the chunky black wedges she was sporting. Her cleavage was clearly fake, but not the back-breaking tacky type. I was immensely intrigued by this Victoria Secret model that I would be sitting beside.

It took her awhile to notice my presence, and I immediately felt more plain after being recognized by her flawless, pearly smile. "Oh hey, girl!" she said with more excitement then I could ever feel for a stranger. I merely smiled and nervously chuckled.

"We're are going to spend soooo much time together. I heard this is your first time touring? Well, don't be scared. I've known Justin for years, and it's honestly the best job I could ever imagine. You know, being around that little hottie and the constantly moving is just a dream to me. You're a dancer, right?" She said without breathing between any of the sdentences. It took me a second to realize there was a question in the speedy paragraph. The only part that stuck out to me was her mention of "the little hottie".

"Um, yeah. I've danced for years, and I kinda auditioned on a whim. I'm still a little unsure about all this," I said, unsure if it was obvious I was a little intimidated.

"Honey, it was the best decision of your life. Trust me. Justin has gone out of the way to make sure at each stop, I can talk with agencies and see about getting booked, even with my hectic schedule. I would have never been in Sports Illistrated if it wasn't for him. No one even used to know who little Audrina Darren was! Everyone here is like a family, I'm sure you will fit right in," Audrina spurted out, whipping her long blonde hair out of her eyes.

This lady was obviously very sweet and wanted to make me comfortable, but her comments about Justin just buzzed in my ear in the wrong way. At that moment, her iPhone buzzed loudly. As she pulled it out of her designer purse, I caught a glimpse of her background. It was her on a white, sandy beach in a baby blue bikini, being held romantically by a boy in purple swimming trunks who was placing a kiss on her lips. It took me less then a milisecond to recognize the boy, that just hours earlier, was kissing me. Justin Bieber, you filthy player.