Status: active. :)

Runaway Love


Once our plane landed, I couldn't escape quick enough. My stomach felt like cement was weighing it down. I wasn't going to cry, but my angry yearned to see Justin face to face. I should've known.

Scooter had us all taxis to follow Justin's Escalade, and it seemed his entourage was determined to keep him seperated. I felt like they were clarifying the gap between the star and, well, everyone else. I had entered Justin's world, and I didn't belong. Girls like Audrina weren't the kind of crew I should be associating with, guys like Justin shouldn't be talking to me. I wish I stayed in my place, back home in Texas.

The taxi ride was quick, and I ignored all conversations by placing my headphones in and zoning everyone else out. I got my room key with little delay and rushed onto an elevator. "Hold it for me, please!" I heard Audrina call as she pulled her matching luggage to the closing metal doors. I pushed the "door close" button immediately before her tan legs could get inside.

Throwing my suitcase down, I collapsed onto my bed face down. The bed was like laying down on a cloud, it was perfectly fluffy and egg-shell colored. The yellow walls were a hotel cliche, but over-all it was sizeable and very comfortable. The only part that wasn't sitting well with me was the sight of the other bed. I kept my fingers crossed I wouldn't have to put up with anyone tonight.

I'm glad we had the day off; I didn't want to look at anyone's face. Somehow, I felt like they all knew. They all knew I was stupid enough to trust a platinum artist with my virginity. I let one tear escape and fall down into the goose down pillow, staining it murky grey from my mascara.

Suddenly, the sound of the door opening made me sit up. What the hell? Audrina walked into view, still smiling. "Hey, I guess you didn't hear me earlier, but we are roomies! Isn't that so exciting?" She cooed with her pristine teeth glowing.

"Oh yeah, just peachy," I replied, not even bothering to not be rude. She began unpacking her neatly folded outfits and displaying them on hangers. Each dress or shirt was obviously designer and typically colorful. She even brought six different purses along with her, with countless pumps, wedges and stilettos. I rolled my eyes.

"Hey, I forgot my mouthwash, so I'm going to run to the front desk real quick. Do you want me to get you anything?" Audrina spoke loudly, since my headphones where still in. I didn't bother to look up, but I shook my head in the pillow. Once I heard her heels click out of the room, I shoved myself off the bed and locked the dead bolt. Bye-bye, Barbie.