Status: active. :)

Runaway Love


The smell of a new city was delicious to my Texan adventure-starved self. Permanent housing had already been taken care of; I would be renting a small apartment in the northern district. I gave the address to a taxi driver and sat ecstatic in the backseat. It might not have been smart of me to schedule so many auditions the first day of coming to Atlanta, but I was so damn eager. I don't think I could have just sat in my apartment.

Not even fooling with settling in, I immediately prepared for the day. I showered, braided my bangs back and situated the rest in a ponytail, put one some dance gear, and strolled right back out the door.

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If I had heard it once, I have heard it a million times. "You have never been in love, have you?" and "You are a virgin, aren't you?" I couldn't shy away from the questions when it was obvious. My youth barred me. Skill can only bring you so far; up to a point you have to let your emtions carry your dance to the highest pedestool. The passion for dance burned behind my eyes, but that passion was shallow compared to the passion of a lost love and lust.

I almost wish I could have just fallen in love with Tre. Admittedly, for the selfish reason of just improving my dancing. But, then again, if I had fallen in love, would I have left home? Or would I have accepted his proposal and only inbed myself more into Madewell, Texas?

As for losing my virginity, I hadn't. It's not that I withheld, or ran away from lustful behavior, in honestly, I really wanted to have the feeling of unrequited lust. Rumors had swirled about Tre and I, and admittedly, it probably seemed right that we would have. Physically, I just didn't crave him. Which is strange to say, seeing as his chiseled abs and perfect features created an exceptional physique for my ex. I held out, and I almost don't know why.

Frustrated, I had to leave five different studios and stages empty handed. Spirit in pieces, I stepped back onto the busy streets.

Imagine the sounds a young female would make if she were mauled by a large beast, such as a bear or lioness. Now, picture that times a thousand. Erupting down the streets were such crazed noises, that I was nearly apt to running the opposite direction. If you know me, though, it would make since that instead, I ran straight toward it.

A mob of a thousand girls stretched down the street; stopping traffic, screaming, waving posters and even singing. At the center of the chaos was a black limo parked in front of the Tivoli Theatre. A crimson marquee was outstreched from the building that read "JB Back-up Dancers Wanted". I had one more audition left in me.