Status: active. :)

Runaway Love


An iron fence was erected to usher in the potential dancers and block out the crowd. It was easy to assume that the JB charecter was a kind of a big deal. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach as I stepped into the building. Around one hundred black guys filled the auditorium's seats. Oops. It seemed I wasn't exactly what they were going for. I mentally blamed the lack of specifics of the sign outside.

Never mind the one-gendered crowd, I still believed I could hold my own with these guys. The set-up was pretty simple. Hopefuls sat in the seats, after getting numbers, and one by one we're called onstage infront of five executive-looking people that were examining us. I sat with my legs apart, stretching in the aisle, watching guy after guy on stage. They performed so masculine, and that was something I couldn't bring. I decided I would do the exact opposite.

They all used the same track, and all these surprises should have told me to turn around and leave this place. I was so unprepared, I almost doubted myself having the balls to go up on stage. I trusted myself, more then what it was wise to, that's for sure. The R&B beat was so catchy that my mind was putting together steps by the second. By the time my number was called, a full routine had assembled in my mind.

I made sure that while I was walking across the stage, I kept my head up. I made eye contact with the people I had to please. Confidence is very important, and happened to be a strong trait of mine. I was going to play with this, and not go too seriously. Strong bass beats marked the beginning of the track. My heart pumped with the same deep rhythem.

I winked with my pop and locks, and made sure to have fun, whereas the men had strictly shown their break dancing skills. I rotated my hips with my best enticing glare, and displayed my abilities with no restraints. I began to hear a part I recognized as getting closer to the end of the song, when behind me, a voice sang along, "And you can have it all. Anything you want; I can bring. Give you the finest things, yeah."

Shocked, but not shaken in concentration, I turned to see a boy about my age, with a beautiful pout, stepping towards me. A velvet voice slipped from between his lips, and I think my legs shook for the first time. His long hair showed under his flat-bill, black hat. A red zip-up's hood was over the hat and his black jeans and high-tops personified his effortless swag. I took in all of this quickly, to keep myself from going completely breathless. He was seriously beautiful and dancing with me.

Without rehersal, we dance intertwined. He would pop and I would mirror, then I would drop low, and he would put his hands on my hips. It was natural, what was between us. Out of all the guys I had seen, he was easily the best dancer. I couldn't help but to toy with him. I made him chase me across stage for the final moments. When he caught me, an effortless dip and the last note were executed on cue.