Status: active. :)

Runaway Love


I looked down at his offer. Yoga pants and a hoodie lacked any sort of sex appeal or flair. It wasn't how I imagined our first date. Because yes, I had imagined us having a first date, I would admit it. "Don't worry about it, I've got you taken care of," Justin's smile as he said this was the smile he always displayed when he had something up his sleeve.

Without instruction, he exitted and I knew to follow. On a rack hung an assortment of clothes. I touched the obviously expensive material in awe. I gawked at the tags. Chanel, Gucci, Prada shoes.

"Get dressed," he sweetly breathed on my neck. I got the hint he wanted me to strip. I grabbed my outfit and my dignity and took them to a broom closet. As I shut the door of my temporary changing room, I caught Justin's chuckle. I gave my self I little pep talk amongst the mops and cleaning equipment. He could have any girl in the world, easily. Yet, he was giving me a chance for reasons I didn't know.

"Where are we going?" I inquired while closing the broom closet door behind me. Justin's eyes went down my body. He had exceptional taste. This outfit was exquisite and too accomodating. The dress fit like a glove, and showed off all the goodies I had, which for some reason, I believe he purposefully did. The black dress had cut-outs in all the right places, and the baby blue pumps made my toned dance legs look killer.

"You look amazing," Justin said, brushing off the question. I was learning that this boy always had a plan. Constantly surprising me, I loved the excitement that Justin injected in my life. Although, I had to always be on my toes with him. I would never cherish him audibly like I did in my mind. His confidence was deeply sexy to me, but feeding it wasn't my style.

The games played between Justin and I were lessons learned early in my life. Seductive dancing taught girls more then the public knew. not only could I entice him wih my body, but I had perfect the game of hard-to-get. When to make eye contact, when to touch hands, or even wjen to hold out on compliments where all things I had picked up through life.

Mu skills got complicated, though, when dealing with this international superstar. If his looks didn't declothe you on the spot, his charm would have you slipping out of your panties soon enough. I found my own lust for the guy nearly unreasonably. I was scared that I would lose control. Tonight als staged a prime time for my guard to slip dangerously down. But then again, what the hell?
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kind of a filler. :)
but you just wait! cause
this girl has a plan too. :P