Status: active. :)

Runaway Love


I fingered my dress's elaborate pattern with delicate admiration. I lifted my eyes to catch Justin's grin. We were in his Range Rover, on our way to where-ever. His attention should have been on the sparkly Atlanta streets that we was manuevering through, but he had his gaze locked on me. The windows to the vehicle were pitch black, yet some people on the street caught glimpses of Justin in the windsheild and still managed to frenzy. Traveling with a superstar was jarring for me, but he handled the hectic pending disastors with ease.

Soon enough, we arrived at our destination. The exterior was divinely sleek. Modern and black columns surrounded the door held open by a doorman. He ushed us inside, while another sharp-dressed man took the keys to park the Rover.

My mind was buzzing. A first date with a guy that already blew a thousand on your outfit was bound to take us to eat somewhere extravagent. We were immediately sitted, despite the place being filled with fine dressed parties and standing guests. The private room was dimly lit with cream candles. The table was empty except for the centerpiece and a Dr. Pepper that was already poured at Justin's seat. Without bothering to get a menu, Justin whispered in the waitor's ear. Lobster? Prime rid? Peasant? I didn't know what to expect.

"When Scooter brought me down to Atlanta for the first time, we came here. It assured me that I wanted this life. I wanted to use my talent and do whatever it took to live this good," Justin reminisced dreamily. It was the first time I had seen a personal side of Justin. He was constantly throwing one-liners at me, but I was seeing a real guy tonight.

"Do you ever look back? Want to erase all this and just step back to Ontario?" I asked. I felt I already knew the answer.

"No, I knew it would take a leap for me to achieve everything I wanted. A normal life might seem appealing sometimes, like when I constantly have my hats stolen by fans, but I needed to leave to really live," he replied.

"I left Texas the same way. I looked around at all the dancers in my studio on day, and knew I had to get away. Some were years older then me, and more talented, but will never do anything with it. I didn't want to be like that," I said. I never though Justin's story and mine would ever seem parallel, but his answer seemed like one I would say myself about my departing from Texas.

Two waitors pulled a buggie with a large silver cover on it to our candle-lit table. We were in a back room alone, for rpivacy, but the size of this dish seemed to be or unreasonable portions. They slowly revealed what Justin had secretly ordered.
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Am i dragging this out much?
comments are encouraged, you know the drill!