Wake Up

A Coma?

Billie's P.O.V -

I can't tell if I'm dead or alive, I don't know where I am, and I don't know what's happing. The last thing I remember is seeing that truck run a red light and I looked to my left, honked and that's it. I hear a bunch of people around me and I can't make out who they are.

I keep hearing the words, car crash, coma, and may not make it. But I still can't make it out where I am, I then heard one of the voices, sounded like a women's voice rush into the room.

(Women) - " Where is he, where is he, god, is he alright, tell me he is alright!"

I would know that voice anywhere it was my wife Adrienne. I went to yell to her to let her know I was ok but I couldn't talk, this is starting to freak me out.

(80) - " Please, tell me where he is, please tell me he made it out ok."

God, I wish I could just show her I'm here and I'm ok. I could tell she was upset, I wanted nothing more then to comfort her. I wonder if that truck hit me, I must be in the hospital, but why can't I talk, and why when I try to move I can't.

(Doc) - " Mrs. Armstrong, we have good news and some bad news. The good news is your husband made it threw the crash. "

(80) - " Oh thank god! What's the bad news?"

(Doc) " Your husband is in a coma, and he has a little brain activity."

What a coma?
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I have a feeling this will be a short story, and I'm sorry if I don't up date every week, sorry I'm in college.