Wake Up

Never Giving Up

Adrienne had been gone for only a few moments and returned with one my doctors.

Adrienne- " Oh Dr. Chris he is moving his hand when you ask him to have a look for your self."

Dr- " Ok, let me have a look here."

I could hear the doctor walking over to the left side of my bed.

Dr-" Billie, this is your doctor talking, my name is Dr. Chris, I need you to squeeze my hand if you can hear me."

I made my hand squeeze his and I heard him gasp.

Dr- " This is nothing less then a blessing. Billie I'm going to ask you a few questions, if you understand what I just said squeeze me twice."

I squeezed his hand twice like he asked and I then heard my wife starting to cry. God how I wish I could just hold her tightly and never let her go, there is nothing worse to me then hearing the women I love cry.

Dr- " Adrienne would you mind being the one who holds his hand, I'm sure he would want to hold your hand instead of mine."

Adrienne- " Thank you." I heard her coming over and she sat next to me and grabbed my left hand and started playing with my wedding ring. I squeezed her hand with great delight, it was my way of saying I loved her. " I love you to Billie." She knows me like the back of her hand.

Dr- " Ok Billie, listen to the questions try your best to answer them, don't worry if you can't get them all just take your time squeeze Adrienne if you understand." I did what I was asked.

Adrienne - " He squeezed my hand."

Dr-" Ok great lets get on with it. Billie squeeze Adrienne's hand and tell me how many children you have."

I squeezed her hand twice to represent my two boys.

Adrienne- " He got it right, we have two kids." She kissed my hand, so I took one of my fingers and was able to rub it against her cheek very softly it was hard to lift my finger, it still felt heavy. " I love you so much."

Dr- " Ok Billie squeeze Adrienne's hand twice if you have boys, or once if you have girls, or don't squeeze at all if you have one of each."

I once again squeezed her hand twice, I wish I could see my boys, I miss them so much.

Adrienne- " He got that right to we have two boys!" Adrienne said with so much excitement. She kissed me again.

Dr- " Ok Billie last question because we don't want to tier you out. do you think you can try breathing on you own? Squeeze once for yes or twice for no."

I had to really think this over and I realized that I might as well try it, but I'm scarred I will not be able to breath on my own. So before I squeezed 80's hand I tried to see if I could make my chest move. I tired a couple of times and felt nothing, but I then felt 80's hand go over my rib cage and I felt the same feeling when I was able to make my hand move. The weight was gone and I could feel the oxygen rushing into my lungs, I swear I have never in life been happier to take a breath. So I made the diction to squeeze 80's once for a yes.
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so sorry I actually forgot about this story but I am going to finish it!