Wake Up

Adjusting to The Light

80’s P.O.V.-

Me- “ Oh Billie honey, baby, oh my god sweetie you opened your eyes!”

Billie smiled big up at me and went to open his mouth but nothing came out he looked up at doctor Chris with worry.

Billie’s P.O.V-

I opened my mouth to say to Adrienne that I loved her but when I went to do so nothing came out. I remember the doctor saying something about me not being able to talk, I hope this isn't a permanent thing.

Dr- “ Billie its ok, you have had a tube in your throat so you need to give it time, don’t force yourself to speak you will strain your vocal cords.

I just shook my head yes, I then turned back to Adrienne I smiled at her and grabbed her hand to pull her towards me. There was no need for words she knew what I wanted, she gave me the best kiss in all of our 16 years of marriage.

80- “ I Love you so much Billie, I knew you were going to come back to me, you are my world Billie.”

I looked back up at her and mouthed the words I love you to, I wasn't able to tell her how much she meant to me so I stroked her cheek and kissed her once more long and hard.

Dr- “ Billie do you remember what happened?”

I made a writing pad sign on my hand, and he handed a pen a paper. I wrote “ I know I was in a car accident, but what really happened?”

Dr- “ Are you sure you can handle hearing what happened?”

I wrote yes, and Adrienne took my hand and held it tight.

80- " Well, you were on your way home from the studio and a truck ran a red light; and smashed into your drivers side.. Your car tumbled over a few times, and the ceiling of your car got crushed. You hit your head really hard dislocated your shoulder, and your leg is broken from being crushed under your dashboard. You had to be cut out of the car, and the driver of the truck who was by the way very intoxication died on impact."

I looked down at my leg to see that she was right, it was in a large cast, I took my left hand and felt the bandages rapped around my right shoulder, and finally I went to touch my head and 80 stopped me.

80- " Its not as bad as you think, you have been healing well, but there will be some scars."

I grabbed the pad and paper from my lap and began writing.

Me- " Show me."