Wake Up

Its not so bad

Billie’s P.O.V-

Adrienne got me a small mirror and I was happy to say my face didn’t look to bad but I did have a bandage on my for head. I went to touch it but Dr. Chris stopped me.

Dr- “ I wouldn’t bother that, you still have stitches that are healing, you don’t want to risk deepening the cut, or creating a infection.”
I shook my head in agreement and turned back to the mirror, I had a small scar on my chin but I could barley see thank god, but I did have a noticeable scar above my eyebrow but that wasn’t even that bad just was a more deeper scar. There was also a small scratch on my upper lip but like all my other cuts it wasn’t that bad. I handed the mirror back to Adrienne and reached out to hold her hand. She smiled and took it.

Dr- “ I’m sure you both would like some time alone, I’ll be back in a few hours to check in and see how your doing. If you start to feel any pain I will send a nurse up to give you some pain killers, and if you start to have trouble breathing ring the emergency bell.”

80- “ Thank you so much for everything, you saved my husband.”

Dr- “ Your welcome, let me tell you, your husband is a true fighter and I’m so happy you two still have each other.” He gave Adrienne a hug and he shook my hand and left.

80 turned back to me and I opened my arms for her to hug me and she ran over and hugged me tight. My ribs were a little tender but I didn’t care, the feeling of her hugging me is the best feeling in the entire world. She relished how hard she was squeezing me and let go and gave me a worried look.

80- “ I’m sorry Billie! Did I hurt you?” She started to back up.

I pulled her back towards me and grabbed my pen and paper.

Me- “ That was the best thing I have felt in 6 months, I couldn’t care if you broke a rib. Don’t worry babe, I’m fine…..(she smiled big)….I would like a kiss though if you wouldn‘t mind.”

She thankfully didn’t hold back and kissed me with all her might. I have never felt so alive then I did right now. When we parted I again grabbed my pen and paper again.

Me- “ When can I see the boys?”

80- “ umm, well its 1 o’clock now the boys don’t get out of school until 245, I could go get them and bring them, I know they are dying to see you.”

I shook my head in agreement, and Adrienne’s phone rang.

80- “ Hey Joe, what’s going on buddy?” Adrienne put the phone on the speaker.

Joey- “ I have a break in between classes and I saw your text, is it true is dad awake?”

I was so happy to finally hear my sons voice he sounds like he got older uhh kills me that I have missed 6 months of their life.

80- “ Yes Joey its true, hear say hi to him he can’t talk because his throat is still soar.” Adrienne handed me the phone.

Joey- “ Hey dad, I miss you! Jake says hi to but he is still in class.”

I mouthed wrote down for Adrienne to tell him I love him and that I miss him to.”

80- “ He says he loves you, and he misses you to.”

Joey-“ Mom can Jake and I come up and visit him after school? I have the car here with me at school.”

I smiled big and shook my head yes.

80- “ Yeah you can come up the address, is in our GPS. Just be careful driving over here.”

Joey- “ I will, well I have to get back to school my break is over, love you dad!” Adrienne turned the speaker off.

I mouthed again “ I love you to.”

80- “ He said he loves you to. See you guys in a few, love you to bye.”
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sorry I haven't up dated in the last week I am still really sick from the flu....I have this chapter and writing the next one will be up by tomorrow.