Wake Up

Gaining A Voice

Billie’s P.O.V-

My boys came to the hospital to see me, I always say that the stage is my home but my heart belongs to my family. Joey came right over and hugged me so hard I almost couldn’t breath. Jake on the other hand was holding back. I took my note pad and wrote, “ It’s ok Jake you can come over.” But Jake still didn’t budge. I looked at 80 with concern.

80- “ Jake what’s wrong?”

Jake looked up with tears in his eyes.

Jake- “ I don’t want to hurt him, I’m just nervous.”

I tried to answer him back but no matter how hard I tired my voice wouldn’t come out.

80- “ Jake its ok, you wont hurt dad at all, he really wanted to see you.”

Jake- “ Well ok, if you are sure.” Jake slowly started to walk over. I opened my arms to hug my youngest son. He nervously hugged me and I kissed him on his head. I tried to once again to find my voice and could feel my vocal cords starting to open up a little.

Me- “ See I told you wouldn’t hurt me.” I said it so low he didn’t hear me.

Jake- “ Did you say something dad?” Jake looked at me and looked shocked.

My vocal cords once again felt tight but I tried with all my might to try and answer him again. Thankfully with my extra effort I felt like I was able to speak again. I asked him to come closer so he would be able to hear be clearly.

Me- “ See I told you that you wouldn’t hurt me.” Jake smiled at me and hugged me again; and started to cry again.

Jake- “ I’m so happy you ok dad. I thought for a wile there that maybe you were…” I stopped him in his words.

Me- “ I’m not going anywhere Jake I promise.”

I heard a knock on the door, and 80 went to answer it.

80- “ Oh Dr. Chris how are you.”

Dr- “ I’m doing great how is Billie doing today.”

80- “ He is doing fantastic, he is still breathing well, and is just starting to talk.”

Dr- “ That’s just what I want to hear, and I have great news for you guys to, you can start getting prepared to take Billie home. He seems to be doing fantastic and I think he will like to recover the rest of the way in his own bed.”

Me- “ Thank god, I want out of here.”

80- “ Oh yes finally, I can’t wait to take you home.” 80 leaned in and kissed me, and hugged me hard.

Dr- “ Well I will bring some forms to sign and if all goes well Billie you can go home in a few days.”

Jake- “ I can’t wait.”

Joey- “ Neither can I.”

Finally the thought of going home is just the best thing in the entire world. I Just want out of this joint for good.
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Ok I'm sorry I haven't updated in a wile, but I'm going to try and end the story in a few weeks.