Sequel: Forever & Always.
Status: Completed. :) Thank you guys for getting this story to 9 Stars... I love you all <3

Let Me Be The One To Save You

Come One Angel, Don't You Cry.

Stepping into the Way house for my first formal visit was terrifying. I gripped Gerard’s hand so tight that I heard him gasp in pain.

“You’ll be fine Sugar.”

I smiled up at him and let him drag me further into the warm house he called his home. Together we entered a cosy, inviting kitchen. A woman stood with her back to us, humming to The Beatles’ song playing on the radio as she washed dishes in the sink.
Gerard removed his hand from my vice-like grip and sauntered over to the woman. He pecked her lightly on the cheek, “Hi Mom.”

“Hello dear, how’re you?”

I saw the corner of his mouth curve into a soft half smile, “I’m pretty good. I brought home a friend for you to meet.”

She turned and when she saw me her eyes lit up with glee, “Oh darling, you must be Ciara, the girl Gerard is always talking about.”

I blushed as the kind woman embraced me in a tight hug. She smelled like cinnamon and soap, the way a mother should always smell.

Mrs. Way or Donna as I was told to call her, and I got along really well. She was a sweet woman who told me many embarrassing things about both her sons while Gerard sat in the corner scowling and drinking coffee. She put me at ease in the house after being so nervous about meeting her. Eventually though the rest of the guys began turning up and we left her to join them in the living room. But I knew I’d be back to visit Donna soon.

* * *

Gerard and I sat together on the small love seat near the window whilst Frankie, Mikey, Bob and Ray all sat in random spots around the room. Everyone was animatedly discussing what movies to watch, well everyone except Gerard. My raven haired friend was too busy drawing what looked like superheroes in his little black sketch book. He was in his own little world, his hands covered in stains from the pencil and his little pink tongue peeking out of the corner of his mouth as he concentrated on the image he was trying to create. He looked rather adorable and as the movies played on the screen I spent more time focusing on him than on the screen.

“Can we watch my movie now?” Mikey demanded sounding very like a five year old child who wasn’t getting his way.

I looked up to the T.V. screen and saw that the credits for Mean Girls were scrolling up the screen and I knew that it must have been Frankie’s choice. None of the others would’ve picked anything so girly, not even me.
Mikey took out the disc out of the machine and threw it at Frankie before placing in the one of his choice into the little tray.
Soon the type of haunting music that can only belong to a horror movie began to play and I bit my lip as I looked up at the menu on the screen. The Strangers . That movie scared the shit out of me. Horror movies and I didn’t get along all that well and this movie in particular terrified me.
Mikey hit play and the scary movie began. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed that Gerard placed his sketchbook on the ground and focused on the screen, his hazel eyes lighting up with delight. I shuddered involuntarily and this caught Gerard’s attention.

“You cold C?”

I shook my head and bit lip embarrassed, “No,” I whispered so as to not annoy the other guys. “I just don’t really like horror movies.”

A soft, sympathetic smile spread across his face and he opened his arms. I climbed into his warm embrace and snuggled my face into his chest as I turned my attention to the horror unfolding onscreen.

With Gerard by my side, the movie no longer seemed as scary as had done before. He held me close whenever I jumped and let me bury my face in his chest every time something on the T.V. got too much for me to handle. He was so sweet, the best friend I could ever ask for. At one point the scene onscreen scared me so much that I began to cry. I shut my eyes tightly and let the little beads of salty water slide down my cheeks. I was surprised to feel a hand wipe them away.

“Come on Angel, don’t you cry,” Gerard’s soft voice calmed me enough that I could watch the rest of the movie with no problems.

When our movie day was over Gerard walked me home. We walked slowly through the streets of Belleville and I never felt happier that he was by my side. It was strange to think that such a good friendship had developed from a meeting in a coffee shop, now I couldn’t imagine life in Jersey without Gerard.

“See you tomorrow Sugar,” He hugged me tight and I wrapped my arms securely around his waist enjoying the comfort his arms always brought.

“What’s tomorrow?”

“Saturday band practice,” He said it as if it was the most obvious thing in the world and I giggled.

“Sorry, guess I forgot.”

“Mhmm…” He pulled away and pecked me on the cheek, “See you tomorrow.”

He smiled at me once more and took off down the road.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit: The lovely My Chemical Romance <3
Word Count: 911.

Sorry it's been so long! I've had exams and shtuff :/
It's also really short >.< But the next chapter will be really important and hopefully longer. So it may take me a few days to get it out.

Anyways let me know what you think :)
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