Status: Active

Everyone Hates a Tag-Along

Your Welcome Home Unless You Have Bad News

When the final bell rang in chemistry on Monday I was the last one out the door as usual; I always like to talk with my teachers and clear up any questions about the class. Mr. Jones was my favorite teacher out of them all. I was sad that I only had one more month left with him as a teacher. After we talked I went to my locker and got all the books I would need for tonight and headed home. It was only me and my mother at home my father left us when I was little. I have an older brother, Matthew Flyzik, he is the manager for All Time Low and he is rarely home, only when there is a major family affair. My mother is a doctor and was able to get day shifts so she could be with me at home. As I arrived at my house I noticed that my mom’s car was already in the driveway; which was odd since I always was home before her. When I walked in the door I was hit with the aroma of fresh pizza and I made my way to where every the smell was coming from, which happened to be the kitchen.

“Hi Sammy, how was your day?” my mother asked, this was our usual routine. “It was good I had a nice talk with Mr. Jones and he said that he was sad that the year was almost over and he would have to give me up to the next teacher.” I said back. We both smiled at each other for a while until a timer went off and my mother took brownies out of the oven and set them on the stove to cool. “Wow mom who died?” I asked jokingly because she did not like sweets of any kinds. “Well tonight is special, I have you pizza in oven, I’ll call you when dinners done” she said. I made my way to my room and flopped on my bed and began to do my Spanish homework. I was just finishing the worksheet when I heard the front door open, and I first thought my mom had forgotten something in the car then I heard a guy’s voice. My room is in the back of the house so I couldn’t identify it or hear what he was saying. Then I heard my mom call me to come to dinner. When I walked into the kitchen and stopped as there in our kitchen was my brother who I haven’t seen in like two years, now I was starting to seriously consider the idea that someone had died.

“Oh my gosh, I can’t believe you are here, it has been way to long!” I exclaimed as I was pulled in to a hug. “I know I’m sorry I can’t come around more often” he said as we finally pulled away from each other. “Why don’t you two sit in the living room and catch up? I will have dinner ready in a few minutes” my mom said. When we got to our living room he started talking about how they just produced a new record and that they were going on tour soon. “So what about you, what grade are you in now?” he asked. “I am a sophomore now but we get out of school in a month, and I won’t have to take finals because I am in all honors” I said. I was about to ask why he was here when mom called us into dinner.
Dinner consisted of homemade pizza and salad my absolute favorite dinner. After dinner my mom made me and her coffee. “I didn’t know you drank coffee?” Matt asked with surprise. “Yeah I have been drinking it more; mom says that I drink it so often if I stop I will go through withdrawal” I said jokingly. Once we were all done I went back into my room to finish my homework. I breezed through history, english, and chemistry; I was about to start math when I heard my mother calling me. As I walked into the living room she said the dreaded words “honey we need to talk.”
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first story. first chapter hope you like it