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My brother's best friend


The wedding ended and we got to the celebration. It was time for the bride and groom dance.

"You and me" by Lifehouse starts bursting through the speakers. This is the song that I always dreamed I would dance at my wedding.

We are swaying back and forth to the music, looking lovingly into each other's eyes. I feel like nobody else is there with us. I know that is really cliche but its true.

"I love you" Garret smiles when the song finished. I smiled and gave him a small peck as the room bursts in applause. The dj put on a more upbeat song and everyone started dancing to the music while Garret and I went to talk to our guests who weren't dancing.

I've realized I've fallen even more and more in love with Garret as the days pass by.

"You look beautiful" I hear someone say behind me.

I turn around to find Kevin there behind me with a weird look on his face.

"Thank you Kevin" I say.

"Why the fuck would someone as beautiful as you be with him?" He asks to my surprise.

"Are you drunk?" I assume.

"Yes I am so what? This is what I've been wanting to do since the day I saw you on my doorstep."

"Kevin stop. Your drunk its just the alcohol talking."

"I don't fucking care Ashley! Why did you have to go marry that dickhead?" Kevin screamed. The music stopped and everyone was staring.

"Go away Kevin." Garret says from behind me.

"Are you going to make me loverboy?" Kevin said with a smirk on his face.

"I am actually" Garret said. Suddenly I saw Garret taking Kevin outside.

Kevin screamed as he tried to punch Garret but he stopped his hand and twisted his arm.

Kevin yelped in pain so Garret stopped. By now security was coming and they took Kevin away.

My mom ordered the music to start again so everyone else began dancing again. I rushed towards Garret and hugged him.

"Its okay don't worry Ashley. He won't come back like that."

"I know but he ruined the wedding" I said.

"No he didn't. This was just part of the drama every good wedding has. He made the wedding even better. Everyone will remember this" he pointed out.

I smiled thinking how he always made me feel better. I nodded my head as he asked me if I wanted to dance.

We headed for the dance floor and danced the night away.
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