‹ Prequel: Danger Days
Status: Just Begun

True Lives of The Broken Killjoys

You Gotta Hear Me Out

The next morning, Frank was awakened by someone knocking at the door. He woke Krista up and told her there was a Drac wanting a word with her. She forced herself out of bed and walked to the door to find Mikey stood there. “He’s allowed in” the Drac nodded and let him through the gate. “Hey” she said quietly, letting him through the door.
“Hey. Nice place.”
“Yeah well, it’s my new home so I have to learn to live with it. I’m glad you came to speak to me.”
“I nearly didn’t. It wasn’t until I had that letter given to me that I decided to. How are you?”
“I’m a mix of all emotions right now. Doesn’t help I cant keep track of what’s going on because it’s growing bigger than we expected” she sighed. He looked at the floor. “You kept your ring?”
“I threw it actually and Ray kept hold of it for me. I didn’t know what to do.”
“I understand. I’m surprised you came. Frank told me everything that happened and I understood why you would hate me. I have a lot of explaining to do don’t I?”
“Just a bit. Start at the beginning. After it happened. I don’t want those details” he said, scrunching his face up. She smiled slightly and took a deep breath.
“Well, a few days after I ran out into the desert, I started feeling sick. I thought it was just dehydration. I woke up every morning feeling the same sicky feeling and it continued for most of the day. When I realised what was going on, everything fell into place.”

“Oh this is not good” she mumbled quietly to herself. She couldn’t be pregnant. Dracs weren’t human. She thought she had a stomach bug and let it pass. Eventually it got too much. She sighed. “I have to go and see Dr D” she sighed. She gathered her bandanna, sunglasses and her gun and left the cave, heading out into the open. She walked for an hour before noticing the small studio. She smiled and noticed Show Pony.
“Tell me I’m dehydrated.”
“Sorry. I’m real. Don’t tell the others. I have an emergency and need to see the good Dr.”
“Sure. Everyone is out training with you at the moment. Explain?”
“It’s a droid. Don’t tell them they need to work it out themselves.”
“Sure. Yo, Dr D! We have a guest who needs medical assistance.”
“Well well, you’re a sight for sore eyes” he smiled as she hugged him. “What can I do for you today young lady?”
“I feel sick. Every morning I keep throwing up and then I feel shitty all day. I don’t know what’s going on” she said, carrying on her explanation.

“So after he told me I was pregnant, I freaked. I didn’t know what to do. I left them and went back out to the desert as I saw your car coming back and that’s where I stayed until you wandered out into the desert and nearly got yourself killed” she explained. He looked at her, terrified and clearly pained.
“Why didn’t they tell us?”
“I begged them not to. If you knew I was there, it would have ruined everything. So now I have to stay here and I don’t think I can go home. I’m sorry” she said, fiddling with her ring. He sighed.
“So, basically if I want to see you, I have to come here to see you?”
“No. After it’s born, I’m being moved into the city. I don’t want to go but it’s better than living here. You have no idea how terrified I am right now” she admitted. He pulled her in for a hug.
“I can only imagine. I just wish you didn’t have to do this alone” he said, holding her.
“Well I’m being treated nicely because they know I’ll ruin their chances for this to happen because apparently its rare.”
“I know but it’s still horrible. The others say hi and send their love. I forgot to mention that. Where’s Frank?”
“In the shower probably. Want some breakfast?”
“Power pup?”
“I have bacon and eggs” his eyes went wide.
“You are kidding me right?” he asked as she walked over to the fridge and pulled them out.
“All clean. No drugs no nothing. Just pure egg and bacon. Fancy some?” she asked as he stood up and stood behind her, snaking his arms around her waist and kissing her cheek.
“Have I ever told you how much I love you?”
“Not this morning you haven’t. I’m making Frank scrambled eggs with bacon in. He’s always been weird for breakfast. You’ll have to make do with vegetarian bacon though. Is that ok?”
“That’s fine” he smiled. She nodded and got started on making breakfast. “What about you?”
“Can’t eat in the mornings. Make’s me ill” she said, concentrating on cooking.
“Oh, right. I forgot that” he mumbled. She laughed slightly as she heard the shower switch off.
“I better have hot water left.”
“Relax. You have tons of it left” he grinned. “Morning Mikey. Joining me for breakfast?”
“How can I not! Real food is so rare!” he grinned as they sat down at the table. She put two plates down in front of them and served them their food before going off to shower.

“How are you really taking this?”
“In all honesty? I’m not. I don’t like this idea. I want her home and safe with us but I cannot pass up eggs and bacon” he smiled. Frank grinned.
“I know right? It’s been so long” he mumbled, wolfing the food down. “I wanna speak to Korse and see if they’ll let her go after it’s born.”
“You think that will happen?”
“I doubt it but its worth a try isn’t it?”
“Yeah but it’s dangerous.”
“They don’t need me. They only want me there so the child knows it’s real mother” she said, leaning against the door. “To be honest, I don’t want to know it. It’s the last thing I need on top of everything. I have to go over to the medical wing for a check up. Wanna come with? He’s overseeing everything that happens. You’ll get a chance to speak to him then” she said. They both nodded.
“Can I have a shower?”
“Sure. Towels are in the top cupboard and the settings are already set you just need to hit start” she smiled, watching him walk into the bathroom and shutting the door. She sighed and forced back her tears.
“What’s the matter?”
“I cant believe him. He’s forgiven me so fast.”
“He spent a week calling you all the names under the nuclear sun. I think he’s got himself sorted now.”
“That tends to hurt… I don’t blame him for being mad at me though. I deserve that for not telling him though.”
“You are lucky you didn’t get it from me” Frank said. She nodded as someone knocked on the door.
“You are required to go for your check up now.”
“I thought it was in an hour?”
“Something has come up and you are being summoned now” the Drac said. She glared at him.
“You can tell him to wait I’m in the middle of something” the Drac nodded and headed off.
“What’s going on?”
“Have to go early to the check up.”
“What check up?”
“There’s something off about the baby. It’s growing faster than a normal baby and their growing concerned. So am I” she sighed.

They waited for Mikey to dry and get dressed and headed over to the medical wing. There was a woman at the desk and just looked at Krista. “What do you and you mongrels want?”
“Bitch. I have an appointment and my family are here with me so let me the fuck through or I will punch you so hard your pretty face will be a mess” she growled. The woman buzzed them in, clearly terrified of her. She grinned.
“Scary Krista!”
“Hormones. You piss me off and you know about it” she shrugged, sitting down in a room. They waited for a doctor to walk in a room and she sighed slightly.
“Is everything ok? You seem upset?”
“I’m fine. Can we just get this over and done with please I’d like to actually go back to zone 6 and be happy again!”
“You know that won’t be allowed.”
“The fuck it I will make him let me home” she growled. The doctor flinched and she had an evil grin.
“I’ll… I’ll see what I can do” he croaked. She smirked and he got on with the exam.

“Well, everything is normal except one thing.”
“That does not sound good.”
“No it won’t because this baby? It isn’t a Draculoid baby.”
“This is normal human baby which means this is no longer a BLI matter.”
“Wait then why is it growing so fast?”
“I’m unsure of that. If you would like we can keep you here longer and find out why if it puts your mind at ease?”
“Please do. As much as I would like to go home I need to know what’s going on here first” she squeaked. The doctor nodded and started taking samples from her.
“In a week we will have the results back.”
“Can you not make them go any faster?”
“I can see what I can do but for now, you are going back to your living quarters and wait for some news. I will speak to Korse and let him know what is going on” the doctor said. She nodded and stood up.
“Are you ok?”
“No not really” she whispered. They walked out of the medical wing and back to the small house.

“If it isn’t of Drac origins, then who’s is it?” Frank asked. She looked at Mikey.
“How? You should have had symptoms earlier if that’s what happened” he said, panicking slightly.
“I don’t know but this isn’t a normal fucking baby and I don’t know what to do and now I’m terrified” she whispered, bursting into tears.
“Look at me. We’ll find out what’s going on and then we can deal with it in our own way. I promise” he said, gently tilting her head up and kissing her. She pulled away and wiped her eyes.
“I’m scared.”
“I know you are. We just need to find out what’s going on first and what we can do about it” he said gently, pulling her into a hug.
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I know. It's been a very long time since i posted im very very sorry ive had no internet access!