Status: Never give up. You are enough.

No One Said It'd Be Easy.

Thirty One.

Dear You Know Who You Are,

You're fake.

You're a fake, slutty, bitch from Hell.

You mess with her head. You say you're not. But, we both know you are. You fuck with her emotions and make her feel worthless, like nothing, like that lonely purple flower in a bed of white ones.

You keep tweeting, "I guess I can't do anything right." and "You expect way too much out of me."

I didn't know that expecting you to be a good friend to her was expecting "too much." Guess what? It's not expecting too much. Actually, it's not expecting enough. I could tell you that I expected you to save her from herself, that it's your job to make her happy. But no, because that's my job. Unlike you, I don't complain about it. Unlike you, I ENJOY helping her because I know that I play a special role in her life. Unlike you, I care.

You're really making yourself look quite stupid. You say something one minute, then the next you say something that completely contradicts what you just said. For example, "Oh, so she hacked my facebook." then you said, "I did give her my password."

Just so you know, when you give someone your password and ask them to do something for you, it's not "hacking". It's called a favor. You're really fucking stupid. Just in case, you couldn't figure that out for yourself.

"I didn't lie."

Bull fucking shit you didn't lie.

That's what you are, you're a liar.

You're not a saint or an angel, you're an actress.

You're fake.

You pretend.

Those aren't the things that piss me off.

What pisses me off is that you hurt her. Then you leave.

Grow up.

