Status: Never give up. You are enough.

No One Said It'd Be Easy.

Thirty Four: My Fairytale.

Once upon a time there was a Princess. This Princess was once lost in her life. She didn't know who she was, well she doesn't know. But then, a Prince came and stole her heart. Today, March 28, 2011, was a fairytale.

The Princess arrived at school wearing nothing special; just ripped skinny jeans, converse, and a sweatshirt. She saw her Prince waiting for her at her locker. They hadn't seen each other in ten days because of Spring Break. Unfortunately, they weren't able to hang out during Spring Break, so seeing each other now, was a big deal, to them at least. The Prince ran up to the Princess and hugged her. They hugged for what felt like forever and he whispered in her ear, "I love you. I missed you so much." She giggled, and whispered back, "I love you too. I missed you like crazy. It feels like forever since I've seen you." She could feel him smiling. He said, "I know. But you're in my arms now." She smiled uncontrollably.

School didn't start for another twenty minutes, so the two went upstairs to the third floor right outside of the Princess' classroom and sat down next to each other. They started to talk and hold hands. That's all they did, talk about everything. About what they did during break, how much they missed each other, and more. After the bell rang, they hugged, he kissed her on the cheek, and they went their separate ways. During first period, they texted the whole time, as always.

Forty-two minutes later, after first period, they met up again and he walked her to her next class. As they were talking in the hallway, he hugged her, pinned her against the wall, and kissed her. It was their first kiss. The kiss was soft, affectionate, and lasted four seconds. It was unbelievable. The Princess never saw it coming. They then hugged each other and again went their separate ways.

In study hall, the Princess couldn't stop thinking about it, replaying it in her head over and over again. And thinking about how things are going to change between them. Now, every time they see each other, is he going to want a kiss? Was she okay with that? She decided she was. She is realizing how different this Prince is from the past Prince's who have tried to steal the Princess' heart. In the past, the Princess has gotten annoyed, angry, and sometimes she wanted to be away from them. But now, now she can't stay mad at this Prince and when she's away from him, she doesn't like it, she almost feels lost without him. Mainly, she's never wanted to kiss any of the previous Prince's because it turned out they were all true frogs. Now, with this Prince, she wanted to kiss him. A lot.

Before fifth period, he kissed her again. Then before seventh, he tried to kiss her, but she smiled, looked at him and said, "I love you. Buhbye!" And walked away laughing. She's kind of a tease, but only to him. I mean, she's got to keep him on his toes right? He walked away dazed and confused. After seventh period, he waited for her at her locker and walked her halfway to her next class. He kissed her again and she melted.The Prince slipped a note in the front pocket of her sweatshirt before they parted. As she read it, her smile got bigger and bigger. It wasn't very long at all. In fact, it said:
Dear Princess,
This would be the 18th attempt to write this note. Every time it's so sloppy! But yeah, I love you :)
That's all that's going through my head: you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you. I just want to click my heels together.
P.S. I'll do anything to make us stronger.

The Princess felt so lucky to have the Prince as hers. Even though they weren't technically dating. But, she still felt lucky.

So, today was a fairytale.

I'm the Princess.

And Hunter is the Prince.

This was my fairytale, my perfect day.
♠ ♠ ♠
March 28, 2011. <3