Status: Never give up. You are enough.

No One Said It'd Be Easy.

Thirty Seven.

I don't really know how else to put this so I've decide I'm just going to write two letters to these two people.

Here goes nothing.
Dear Rachele,

You're fake. You're a jealous bitch. And frankly, I hate you. You put me down, make me feel like nothing, talk shit about me behind my back and then to my face, you pretend to be the best friend anyone could have. I can't even stand to be around you anymore. When I see your face, I just want to punch you in the twat.

Today was a really bad day. Today I cried more than I have in a long time. And you're the reason. But don't flatter yourself darling, you weren't the only reason. So, a little birdie told me today that at lunch you were bad mouthing me. I guess I'm a whore because I kissed Hunter before we were dating. Just because you and your "boyfriend" have been dating for two months and haven't kissed yet, doesn't mean that you have any right to call me a whore. It certainly does not give you the right to tell everyone at your lunch table that we've kissed. That was something only a few select people knew. Obviously, I made a mistake of telling you. But no worries, now I know better than to tell you anything.

Tell me this, before ninth period when I was walking with you and I was all quiet and you asked me if I was okay, I shook my head no. You asked if I wanted to talk about it, I shook my head no again. You asked if I wanted a hug, I said yes. You told me it'd be alright, whatever it was. That was after lunch. Who do you think you are that you can go talk shit about me and then go and act like my best friend? Guess what, we're not best friends. In fact, I don't even want to be your friend. Pardon me, but I've gone too long putting up with your crap. And you've just gone too far now. You're fake and you've hurt me one too many times. So now, it's goodbye for real. I'm done taking you back. I'm done forgiving you when I shouldn't have in the first place. Truth is, the only reason I did was so I could wear your clothes. But now that's not even worth it. So goodbye. Have fun with holding hands and skipping with your little boyfriend. Have fun being fake. And have fun being someone else's problem. You are no longer mine.


Now for the second letter.


Dear Keali,

Everything from the letter to Rachele explains how I feel about you but you're situation is different. You talk to Hannah all the time, asking her what's wrong with me. Why don't you ask me yourself if you're so concerned? Not that you are. Because I know you aren't. Quit bugging her because she's not going to tell you because she's a real person, a real friend: unlike you and Rachele who are fake people, fake friends. Today, you told her that I was annoying because I was depressed all the time. Guess what boo? For one, I'm not depressed. I haven't been for about a month or so. I laugh and smile with you. Sure, they're not real. But you don't know that. You can't see that. You never will. Just because I had a bad day and didn't talk at all to you at lunch, doesn't mean I'm depressed. It doesn't mean that I'm being annoying like you say. I'm just being me. What's so wrong with that? What's so wrong with being quiet every now and again? Nothing. There is nothing wrong with not wanting to talk to you. That's just it, not to YOU. You don't know what's going on with me. So don't even talk about me. Thanks.

From your dearest,

You're both fake.

Peace out, bitches.