Status: Never give up. You are enough.

No One Said It'd Be Easy.

Thirty Eight.

You ask me if I'm okay.

I say yes.

But I'm not. I just said yes because it's easier than explaining to you why I'm not. It's easier that trying to make you understand what goes through my head. Because, behind my smile is something you'll never understand.

Rachele and I had been best friends since the first week of fifth grade. We sat next to each other in science and then we had chorus together right after. We talked in science and became friends so by the time we had chorus, we would know someone. In chorus, Mrs. Bee was giving us our seats. She moved everyone away from each other from who they were standing by. But, Rachele and I locked arms and when Mrs. Bee tried to move us, we simply stated, "Sorry Mrs. Bee. We're a package deal." Every since, we were. We were two peas in a pod.

So, when did it all change?

Why did it all change?

Tomorrow I am reading you this letter, Rachele. I am reading it to you in front of your friends and your boyfriend in the morning.

This is the letter:
Rachele. Why? Why would you ever think it was okay to call me a whore to your lunch friends? Why would you think it was okay to call me and my friends "emo" when you don't know what you're talking about, you don't know them, and you don't know me. Did you also tell them my secret? My friends got me through while my "best friend" was tearing me apart. On Wednesday, why did you pretend to be the best friend in the world to me, but earlier you were actually talking bad about me? You say that you hate Valerie, but in reality, you're just like her. You pretend to be my friend. You PRETEND. And why ? What does it give you? Did you think I wouldn't find out or did you think that when I did I wouldn't be hurt? Well, I was. I am. Why?

I can't wait to hear your explanation.