Status: Never give up. You are enough.

No One Said It'd Be Easy.

Sixty Six.

I hate those people who get everything handed to them.

For instance, I know this girl. She's so fucking spoiled. She thinks the world revolves around her and that when she grows up, she's going to be a famous super-star singer, actress, and model.

That's a wonderful dream, and I'm not saying it won't come true, but it's not likely, especially when, well, you suck at all those things.

Every time I see her, I just want to go up to her and say, "Sure, your life is great right now that you're living with Mommy and Daddy who give you everything you want. But move out, then see how easy it is. Mommy and Daddy aren't going to be there anymore. They're not going to buy everything, hand you everything, do everything, you'll be on your own which is a place you've never been before. Life isn't like what Mommy and Daddy give you. Life is harsh. Life is a place where it can build you up, then tear you down in one minute. Life will smack you straight in the face and watch you fail throwing one obstacle at you after another. So, good luck in life."

It makes me sick.

What also makes me sick is when people are ridiculously happy!


Their high-pitched voices and positive attitude makes me sick. There is NO WAY you're life is that perfect. You cannot be happy every second of every day. There is no reason for that, unless you get to wake up in the morning, be excited to go to work and deal with stupid people all day, and go to bed thinking, "What a glorious day."

Your life could only be that perfect if you were dead.