The Runaways Diary

Dear Diary

I stayed in fetal position for the whole night, seeing no point in doing anything. I saw nothing but darkness, and would not sleep. The Vandals did not notice my absence, but what would they care, they wouldn't.
I manged to stay awake untill 6:00, then I crashed.

I was in a forest... I think, it wasn't a normal forest, though. It had black skys, and grass with blotches of red, no maroon. Like several people died here...recently. I was walking along a path and I hear screams, murderous yells.
"What is this place?"
"It is your future, if you accept it." Said what seemed like a thousand velevet voices, all at once.
Just then, a little girl came out of the bushes, with blood on her face. She was extrodinary, she was beautiful but looked deadly.
"Who are you?"

"Desdemona, wake up and get off my floor!" Cried Mrs.Vandle, as she walked down the steps tripping in her heels, to yell at me.
"Are you going to clean this up?! You better or else I will let him have you!" She said, threading me.
I sluggishly got up and went to my room thinking about the dream. I had assumed that it had something to do with Mr.Hell but I didn't know what, 'Maybe it was just nothing.'
I thought to myself as I silently packed my stuff in my bag. I took the kitten out from under my bed and put it in my hoodies pocket.
"Stay there okay, Kira?"

I jumped out the window, onto a tree and climbed down. I was determined to find Mr.Hell and confront him about my dream, but I think I have to wait until night.
When it was dark, it was about 8:00, so I got started. I went to the path were I met him, but he wasn't there. So I went into the forest, calling his name quietly.
"Davis, Davis!" I called, but there came no answer.
"He has to be here somewhere..." I whispered quietly to myself.
It was getting darker by the minute, and I was starting to hear scraems, so I wanted to get out of there as fast as I could. I didn't run, I just walked backwards, untill I came out.
It was nearly midnight when I wandered out of the forest, and into an ally way. I'd been searching for him all night, with no luck. But when I thought my luck was bad, it was just about to get worse.
"Hey, Timmy, look what I found!" Said a guy in front of me, he had long, raggish, brown hair and very tan skin.
"Looks like we found someone who can cure our needs, huh, Bill?" The Timmy guy called back.
I finally got it, what they were talking about as they closed in on me. They were gonna rape me.