Status: In progress.

Make Me Wanna Die

Day 10,

I talked to my hospital social worker today. She called CPS on my father (Child Protective Services). Fine with me. I hope he dies, honestly. I hate that man so much. I keep having random anger fits. I’ll go into a complete rage and throw things around. I got my stuff. I have a few books, I should be good. I met the people today. They’re pretty cool. I know some of the staff from last time. There’s a new girl today. She’s really pretty, I’ll admit. She just got out of a relationship, and I don’t know. I like being there for her. It’s weird, but I kind of need something to live for right now, and living for making her happy is working out for me perfectly. Every day I don’t care if I live or die. It’s just kind of whatever. I don’t have a father that cares about me, my mother is a total witch. I’m ignoring all the calls from my father. They let you do that. I’m glad. I don’t want to talk to him. Today is visitation. Steph still isn’t on the list so she can’t come, which sucks. I miss her so much. I was afraid I’d get put on the “unit program” for people who had been there once already in the last six months, considering that I had been there three days before. Luckily, they just gave me a packet and told me that since it wasn’t really my fault, I didn’t have to go on the program. The food here is actually really good. I don’t think I mentioned that before. I like it. I’m in a different room. Now it’s 207B. I liked the other room better, but it’s on the other end of the hall, and I’m alright with this side. We watch movies at night from nine to ten. Yesterday we watched “She’s the Man” with Amanda Bynes in it. I love that movie. Tonight is “Mean Girls”. Honestly, I missed it here. I’m gonna go to group now. See ya later!