Status: In progress.

Make Me Wanna Die

Since then

Since that ordeal, I’ve been living with my grandparents. I still don’t want to talk to my father, but I’ve been told weekly, (recently twice a week) that I have to from my grandmother. My grandfather gets that I need space. I would have talked to my father by now, but my grandmother forcing him on me is not cool. It’s making me really mad, and I’m tired of it. Next week I’m talking to my social worker about moving to my mother’s. Yes, I know this isn’t the best idea, but it took everything I could do to not cut last night. I’m tired of it. I also found out today that my grandparents have been hiding things about my father from me. I’m done with this entire side of my family. At the moment, I’m just trying to pick the lesser of the two evils. We’ll see how everything goes! Wish me luck!
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Finally. I'm done. It's 3 in the morning. (: GOING TO BED. <3