Status: In progress.

Make Me Wanna Die

Day 2,

Today is Tuesday, I think. I don’t remember the days in here. We don’t even have a clock in our units. There’s one in the hall but we’ll get red level if we leave our rooms. Red Level is what they have for punishment in here. You miss the next ‘free activity’ and have to stay in your unit. It seems really boring, so I want to be on my best behavior. Plus, I want to get the heck outta here as soon as possible. If I pretend I’m alright then I won’t have to stay long. They took my blood today. At six in the morning. I had to pee in a cup, also. I don’t understand why they have to do all that stuff… Oh and they check your blood pressure and temperature twice every day. It isn’t fun. I got my stuff though. The showers are nice. When I took a shower today I turned it all the way up and burned myself. Mostly because it’s either that or cry all the time. If you try hurting yourself in here you get “Purple room”. Well, that’s also if you have a crazy fit. So far I haven’t seen that happen. I met the people today. They’re really intimidating. Thankfully, Mitchell came up to me and tried making me feel at home. He made me feel accepted, even though he was in there for serious violence. I found out that you are either in here for suicidal tendencies or homicidal tendencies. I’m trying to stay as far from the homicidal ones as possible, ya know? I have nothing else to write, so talk to you tomorrow.