Status: In Progress. Getting held back with school work, and my procrastination. But If you push me, I'll promise to continue. I swear it, I just need motivation. (:

Dangerous Love

Chapter Two

I woke up on this Saturday morning feeling like shit because on Friday I went to a drug party with Bandit. I didn’t really have a good time, I couldn’t stop thinking about Zach, and I had no fucking idea why. I didn’t even do that many drugs, and I only drank enough to get a tad buzzed. I’m glad it’s finally Saturday though; we get to have some spectacular fun. Derek has decided to meet us at the carnival, which should be really fun because I haven’t been in forever. I think it’s been two years now, I’ve always thought that it was too childish to go. Bandit says it’s the best place to get high, because it has all these bright colors and oddly shaped things. Derek is a little pissed; Bandit doesn’t want to expose him to drugs. I told you she’s protective, when she finds him anywhere near drugs she makes him piss his pants, in a figurative sense of course. She also makes sure he does his homework and goes to bed on time. He should feel real lucky to have her. She does once in a while though let him drink and smoke a simple cigarette, and he always loves to tell his friends about it. He is the dangerous stud at his school, who has brains and is really romantic. At least that’s at his school, once he gets home me and Bandit like to pick on how geeky he is. He doesn’t mind, he loves it.

I walked downstairs to the bathroom to take a shower; it was two in the afternoon already. I gently turned on the shower, and let it run as I stripped free of my clothes. I turned on the radio and stepped into the shower. The shower had a clear glass that was from the floor to the ceiling. The shower head was on the ceiling pouring down as if it was raining. This just showed how rich Bandit’s parents were; my parents are pretty wealthy themselves. They just hated my guts. I slowly turned off the shower and stood there for a couple of minutes. I liked to stand in the steam of the water, it was relaxing. I opened the shower door and grabbed a towel, I wrapped myself and walked back upstairs to my attic and closed the door. I wiped myself down, and threw the towel on my bed. I had already chosen my clothes. Black pleather skinny jeans, with an elbow length sleeved shirt. It was my favorite shirt; gray with blue sleeves. The shirt was a loose fit and I would always wear my red Vans with it. I always had the bracelet Bandit gave me, it was actually a piece of white cloth but I loved it anyways. I gave a red one to her, and she too always wore it. Once I was done getting dressed, I went back down stairs to brush my teeth in the bathroom, and wash my face. I never wore makeup, because I always either smudging my eye makeup or my lipstick comes off and ruins the look. So my routine was really simple and fast, unlike Bandit’s. We are complete opposites it’s unbelievable. She’s more thoughtful in the things she does and always warning me not to do things that I always end up doing and she does with me. We go well together. Like peanut-butter and jelly.

“You ready to go?” she had walked in and was checking her makeup and hair. Getting closer to the mirror and making sure there wasn’t anything in her teeth, leaning back to tease her hair more.

“Where? If I may ask. I thought we weren’t going till 5:00…?” I was the utter most confused, what the fuck she was talking about. I checked the digital clock on the counter, it read 3:39. “It’s not even four you twit.”

“I was thinking we could just walk around town? You know hang?” She smiled at me, I smiled back and nodded.

“Sure, that sounds good.” I guess it has been awhile since we just hung out. Well we always did but when she says hang out she means talk about things. I had never really told her what happened between me and Zach, it was so rushed and I moving in was so quick that I never had time. I think this was her asking me now, she always knows the right time to ask. She knows I need my time for things to settle in and let it hit before asking me to let it out. That’s how you know a friend was true, when they know when you cry you don’t want to be talked to just want to be comforted. We walked out of the house; she had her big ass purse to put the money in and a few things, I just had my money in my back pocket. I didn’t need my phone, I was with the only person I need to talk to plus Zach was calling and texting me like crazy.

“So Scar how’s you?” She asked me while she closed and locked the door. Her neighbor walked over, to greet us before I could answer. His name was Tom, and was really creepy. He had a thing for Bandit, always wanting to talk to her. At 10 at night he bangs on the front door, ends up he had scrabble set up back at his house and needs someone to play with. If I answered the door, he asked for Bandit. Bandit was nice to him though, he seemed really pathetic so she only talked to him. Never saying anything to lead him on, plus I think just talking to her gives the poor guy a boner.

“H-hi Bandit, here, I got you a bouquet.” He had hesitantly handed her the flowers, and smiled weakly. His arm was shaking as he extended it out, to practically shove the flowers in her face. She took them with a smile, nodded, and walked away. “B-Bye, B-Bandit!” Tom called after.

“Gosh, Bandit you’ve got an admirer on your hands.” I teased, she just smiled, “Don’t tell me you actually like him?” I wouldn’t have minded but she told me she never liked him, I hoped she didn’t. Truthfully that would be a bit creepy. I pulled out my cigarette pack, and pulled one out and placed it between my lips. “Want one?” I offered, she nodded her head and took one. I pulled out my light, lit mine and then hers. “So do you?” She looked straight ahead and exhaled a cloud of smoke.

“Nah, I just like the idea of someone being my admirer. Never had one before.” She then stopped at a homeless women, gave her the flowers and continued to walk. She stuffed one of her hands into her jacket pocket, while the other holds her smoke. “I think it’s sweet. Have you ever had one?” She looked over at me, with her eyes wide and eyebrows rose.
I took a drag, “Had what?” I asked with my face contorted, “An admirer?” I looked off into the distance, to remember back. I didn’t know if I had or not. “If the definition of an admirer is a creeper like Tom, then definitely no. And anything else, I don’t think so.”
She smiled and laughed quietly. “You’re funny, you know that?” She sighed and looked up at the sky. “Hey you never answered my question. How’s are you Scar? You know after the thing that happened with Zach, I thought you’d be all rattled up. Didn’t you once say he was the one?” Usually she would be able to hide her New Yorker accent, but it comes out when she gets real worried, mad, or drunk. All which basically all fall under the same category. “Hun, you hear me? This is why you need to get out more.” She was right, I needed something new to do. Something to get my mind off of Zach.

“You know something Ban, I’m not sure if I’m okay or not. I’m not sure if I’m just calm because I knew it was the safest for me, or because he wasn’t the one.” I walked over to the flight of stairs leading to an apartment complex. I put out my smoke and sat down on a step and looked at her. “What am I to do? If he wasn’t the one, is there someone out there for me Bandit?” My eyes started to tear up, I was always the more tender hearted one.

She took one last drag and put her smoke out too. “Don’t cry you wuss, there’s someone out there for you. So why don’t we just sit here and look at the sky till the time comes for us to have fun. Alright?” She smiled and lay back on the steps and looked at the sky. I hugged my knees and looked up at the fading sky. The moon seemed week and dying, like it had cancer. Yet, the darker it got the better it seemed to be getting.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah, this took a long time, and it was more sentimental. But the next is going to be exciting, and quite coincidental.