Status: On Hiatus, I'm really sorry you guys. Stay tuned though.

Time Bomb

Cold Cash and Colder Hearts

“Mia, you better not be doing I what I think you’re doing?”
Holding back a groan, I yelled towards my closed door, “And what is it that you think I’m doing Mother?”
“Trying to Walk!” she called louder, and I layed still my ear pressed to the hard wood floor as I heard her walk down the stairs, her heels tapping, tapping, tapping on the floor until I didn’t hear them.
Holding my mouth tightly shut I did my best to restrain the scream that wanted to be let out as I pushed myself up on my arms, my bare feet pressed against the wood, the strain of the muscle, the area around the stitches screaming.
“fuck,” I groaned loudly, I dragged my self across the hard-word floor towards my chair that was parked across the room. Farther then I thought it was.
“Mia, someone’s here for you,”
Screaming in annoyance and agony, I pulled myself faster ignoring the sharper pain that pressed against my thigh as the stitches ran across the floor.
“Just a minute!” I groaned out trying to reach the chair as the footsteps got closer to the door.
I stopped moving as I heard a male voice, not my mother’s.
Cringing, I turned around shocked to see Alex Gaskarth standing in my door way, his mouth open as he stared at me, laying on the floor, writhing in pain.
“Are you okay?” he asked in a soft tone as he wrapped his arms around my waist and hoisted me into my chair, as I reached into the cup holder to take my pain medication.
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” I questioned taking in deep breaths.
“You were on the floor, I thought you had fallen.” he said.
I shook my head sipping my water, before I stopped to stare at him.
“What are you doing here?”
I watched as his face turned pink as he quickly ran a hand over his face, then through his dark hair, “Right, well, uh. Kara told me that she was supposed to take you to the doctor today, because you obviously can’t drive-”
I raised my eyebrows at him, watching as he stopped talking then cleared his throat.
“So I’m taking you there, and then were going to my house.”
“What makes you think I want to go to your house?” I said still confused, and angry that Kara wasn’t here.
“Well, Kara and Rian live there.”
“Oh,” I stated, “Okay well thanks, but I can get a ride with my Step-Dad.”
Alex flushed, “She said you would say that,”
“And what? Are you still going to insist?” I questioned, rolling my wheel chair passed him and out the door, where I rolled towards me room, Alex’s footsteps behind me.
“Well, yes I’m supposed to.” he said, causing me to smirk as his voice grew agitated.
“You can stop being a prissy bitch,” he stated suddenly.
I stopped rolling in my chair, and turned my neck to stare at him.
“And you can stop being a self centered band boy.” I snapped, flares from High School entering my mind, “Still called Man Whores on the road?”
Alex’s jaw dropped, “Were very successful, Miss. Ex-Ballerina.”
My jaw dropped at his words, “Fuck you Gaskarth.”
He scoffed and rolled his eyes, “I’ll be downstairs.

I didn’t say a word to the dark haired boy as he helped me hop on one foot into his dark Range Rover.
As I got seated I slammed the door shut dangerously, watching him glare at me, before he walked towards the trunk, where I heard him violently shoved my crutches in.
I crossed my arms and adjusted my seat to scoot back so I could have more leg room.
Alex hopped casually into the car, just as snow started to fall, and rain too. Taking of his beanie, he shook his head, and droplets of water fell on me, causing me to cringe away from him.
“If you don’t like rain or snow, why’d you stay on the East Coast?” he asked me with an eye roll as he started the car.
Shrugging I didn’t answer his question, “What are you doing her anyway? Don’t you have to tour the world with the band?”
I watched as he gripped the dark leather covered steering wheel, and his knuckled turned white.
“Never mind,” I mumbled with an eye roll as he drove onto the freeway.
Glancing out the window, we drove in silence, the only sound was the squeaking of the windshield wipers doing their work, and other cars on the free way.
“What happened to you after High School?”
Glancing at Alex I rolled my eyes, “You expect me to answer your question when you didn’t even give mine a thought.”
“My answer is personal,” Alex spoke, his eyes starring straight ahead, serious.
“So is mine,” I whispered.
“Ha, no it’s not; after High School all I know is that you moved to New York, got famous after one show; but I don’t what happened behind that.” he laughed, “You’re life after High School has been far from private or personal, you’ve been in the newspapers since you left.”
“And what about you?” I laughed in the same tone, “Were on the same boat.”
Alex stayed quite.
“So why are you here?” I asked again as we came to a halt in the traffic.”
I scoffed and watched as he glanced at me, “You seem to know a lot of me, while all I know is that you sleep with a lot of women.”
His face turned stoney as he sighed, “The lable wants to cut us.”
I stared at him, watching his face immediately grow solemn.
“Oh.” I muttered, “Sorry.”
He laughed, “You’re not going to ask why?”
“I don’t really need to,” I replied honestly.
“Why is that?”
“I’m just picturing you in High School, just now it’s probably 50 times worse.” I said softly pulling my thin arms over my head as I stretched hearing the joints crack. When he didn’t answer I turned to him, “Am I right?”
He stared straight ahead, and sighed once again.
“What was it? too much drinking? I remember at Brittany Kindel’s 18th birthday party, her brother got the kegs and you were the first one doing the stand.”
“Think that 50 times worse.” he mumbled.
Rolling my eyes, I glanced out the window, figures.
“So we are on the same boat,” I muttered.
“I’m getting back on my feet after this ‘break’” Alex stated proudly.
“And how do you plan on doing that?” I said with a roll of my eyes, “By stopping to drink so much?”
“Well, yeah,” he said confused, “What other way would it be.”
“Improve your image,” I stated as though it was the obvious.....’Cause it was.
“I don’t need to, I just need to prove to the label I’m a changed man.”
“Well they’re not going to get that, by just not smelling the alchohol on your breath.” I stated.
As we got out of the freeway and stopped at a red light.
“Okay, Princess how do you keep your untainted image... well it is now.” he snapped.
“Fuck you,” I groaned, pulling off my seat belt and grabbing my umbrella, and reached for the door.
“Where do you think you’re going?” he asked, starring at me like I was crazy.
“I’m getting out of this car, before you make me want to kill you.”
Alex rolled his eyes, and locked to door.
“You’re not going anywhere.”
“Mia-” he said in the same tone.
I stayed put as we continued driving.
“Mia, what are you going to do now?” he asked me as we parked infront of the doctor’s building in Downtown Baltimore.
“Get back on my feet,” I spoke with a teasing smile, as he rolled his eyes at me, “If I can.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I honestly think this chapter is absolutely adorable :]
please please comment!