Misguided Souls


That particular day had started like a normal one for her. She woke to the alarm clock blasting heavy metal, her head rose from the pillow drool slightly hanging form the corners of her mouth. She got out of bed slowly and looked around her room for her back pack and boots. She spotted them where she had left them by her precious desk. She quickly took a shower brushed her teeth and looked in the mirror for a minute, then decided mascara would be enough for the day. When her impossibly long eyelashes were to perfection she grabbed her bag and shoved her boots on with out lacing them and made a mad dash for the kitchen where her Dad made breakfast and her mother read the paper. she sat down to eat her breakfast with out a single word until her mother put down the paper and smiled at her, it was then that she spoke.
"Mother, can you take me to school, i have a project that will get ruined on the bus." she said looking at her mother straight in the eye, when she didn't say anything she added "Please." her mother smiled and nodded a curt yes. The rest of breakfast was a quiet one, her father outdid himself on the pastries but that was expected of a wold wide famous chef. As she chewed on the fresh strawberry tart she studied in her mind for a final she was to have in her advanced calculus class, and her advanced Spanish class. a typical day for her. As they finished breakfast she helped clear the table and rinse the dishes off for the maids.Her father kissed her on the cheek and wished her good luck on the project, she was halfway out the door when her father called to her "Charlie! You forgot your lunch I made your favorite Mac and cheese" he smiled up at him and said thanks, her mother's limo waited for her in the driveway, she shouldered her bag and picked up her black poster and carefully walked towards the limo where the driver a nice old man in his 40's helped her put it in the vehicle carefully. The drive to her school was a quiet one since her mother had her Coach glasses on meaning she was in her professional demeanor which to her meant no funny business, which she never did in the presence of her mother. She arrived to school ten minuted before the first bell as planned, with a quick peck to her mothers cheek and a tight smile she walked up the steps of the very prestige and elegant school known as Bello Private school for the Elite. Her boots squeaked as she walked down the halls filled with students ranging form good looking to ugly, rich, who had the new Prada bag or the new sports car that hasn't been released in the states. And then there was the ones with scholarships who stuck out like sore thumbs, because even if you weren't good looking money made up for it. But the scholarship students had a way of sticking out they didn't wear designer clothes or have future cars they didn't know what it was like to have money at their disposal. But she didn't bother with the food chain (she had figured it early on when she had transferred to her sophomore year) and didn't care for it at all, instead she kept to herself. She walked to her homeroom and set her project down and sat in her chair waiting for the bell to ring.

While the day progressed all her classes were normal nothing out of the ordinary she presented her project and thought she did exceptionally well on her calculus test. Her Spanish test was a breeze and before she knew it the bell rang for lunch time which she ate by herself as she read a book and listened to music. The lunch room wasn't like a normal high school cafeteria it was like a small banquet with chandeliers and sparkling cider was served. She sat at a table especially secluded for her as everyone else was it was custom to make reservations for your seat. Which she thought was ridiculous, she ate her lunch solemnly eating her macaroni and cheese and sipped from her cranberry juice. Others turned up there nose at her as she ignored the usual looks shot her way. Someone always complained about her always teasing her. She didn't wear designer clothes or have a car at all, even some scholarship students had cars but not her. She was in a way immune to it. She read her book as if no one had just called her a freak. A ballsy girl who ha picked on her before laughed at a comment one of her girlfriends had made, her name was Miranda she was a cheerleader and was on student council very pretty and very mean. She walked to Charlies table and looked down at her, She set her book down and looked at Miranda with a blank face. Miranda's smirk was eerie, since Charlie had first transferred Miranda had hated Charlie for reasons unknown to her, but she didn't respond to empty threats Miranda had shouted at her time after time. So she didn't care in the least when Miranda started calling her names, it's not like Charlie could hear what she was saying anyway with the music blaring through her ear phones. She sighed and stood up and walked away form Miranda's red face. Everyone watched her go. A normal day for her.
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First chapter, t probably wont get that interesting until the third chapter but I want people to understand why she is the way she is.