Misguided Souls


Charlie spotted his weakness as soon as he walked out form the shadow's. His left leg had a limp and he carried as little weight as he could on it. The first one was a brute his muscles were too big and he moved slowly.
She could take them both down easily but she had to tire the down a bit they had too much adrenaline running through them. She broke into a sprint and stretched as she did so. She could hear the panting from the big brute, he yelled "We cant let her get away get the gun!"
Charlie cocked an eyebrow and thought hard on her next move. If they shot at her surely someone would hear it and come looking for the shooter, but by then she would be dead. She then thought the trees, she ran faster than she had all her life and had at least twenty seconds to climb up a tree, she chose one with branches than criss crossed and and overlapped each other, and was thankful for spring time. When she heard them approaching she quieted her shallow breaths, they ran past her tree, and they were out of sight.
She let out the breath she didn't notice she was holding and smiled she had fooled them...or not.
Just as she was about to climb down they came back cursing, they were looking up, they had figured it out. But by now the man with the limp was panting for air so hard he began to hyperventilate, this was it. She mustered up all her courage and jumped down from the tree, at first she thought they hadn't heard her but then she saw why they weren't paying attention to her, lights were going on and off deep in the trees. She took the opportunity to kick the brute between the legs, he howls and all the lights point in the direction their in. He cries in the dirt and curses at her, the other tries to regain a posture but hes too out of breathe, Charlie takes the chance to kick his left leg, he cries out "Bitch! Oh you'll regret this, I swear it on my grave!"
The brute finally stands up and speaks spittle coming out of the corners of his mouth
"We would have been much nicer than the master now you'll regret the day you took your first breath." Then he began to laugh. A mad laugh, hollow and eerie. Like a man who knows he's got the death sentence. Charlie walked to him and looked down at his reddened face and punched him down. The lights were drew nearer. And she could hear her name being called out. "I'm here" she called out over the hysterical laughter. She saw the three strangers, Ikkarus,Julian, and Rachel. She thought it odd that they had come searching for her but she didn't give it a second thought as her instructors appeared she bowed to them, they looked at the two that lay on the floor now giggling like mad men. Everyone was looking at her like she had some explaining to do, but the only explanation she was giving was to her parents. She started to walk the way the searchers had come, but the brute spoke up once again, "He will have you lady dead or alive he will have you. The girl with know heart or soul" Charlie grew irritated. She broke into a run and saw the outline of her home. Her mother and Father stood on the garden steps looking at her. Charlie didn't understand why they looked of all things...sad. She would have thought they would be relieved she was okay but maybe she misread their expressions she thought.
"Mother, Father I am sorry I missed dinner I seem to have lost my way through the the woods. Please forgive me." She bowed and waited for a response. Her father spoke first. "Go to the Family room Charlotte." she was in deep now, her father only ever called her by her full name when he was disappointed in her or utterly proud and she doubted the latter was even close.. She stood and walked to the Family room where she paced back and forth. She knew it was, absurd to be mad at them for not worrying about her safety, if she grew angry and screamed the gesture would be futile, because they would call her a child. She finally relaxed a bit when she saw that they had entered the room she stood quickly and saw that they were not alone. She grew nervous once again. The three strangers trailed behind them once again. Charlies mother and father had forced smiles. Everyone sat as soon as Charlies mom did. All eyes were on Charlie once again, her composure was weakening from fatigue. She kept alert by pinching herself and asking a useless question.
"Did I do something wrong mother?" Her mother looked at her disdainfully. She had showed her weak side, a huge mistake.
"You are to go England with our guests where you will attend a private school you leave at the crack of dawn" Her mother looked at her with no emotion. Charlie took form the conversation that her parents were going to stay in the states. "You are dismissed" her mother looked down on her. Charlie thought she saw Ikkarus fidget in his seat but thought nothing of it, her mother's commanding demeanor put others uneasy. Charlie stood and politely excused herself from the three and quickly gave her mother and father a kiss on the cheek. She walked up to her bedroom showered and slept. A normal day for her.
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New Low-Middle Class rut