Status: Completed

New Destiny

Chapter 9

2 weeks went by, Aidan and I barely spoke a word to each other, we just uttered some words when it was really important. I almost never saw Aidan with Victoria either so I must have ruined their lust or something. My only company actually was Sam. He reminded me of Nick whom I missed terribly. We never got any news about their disappearing. We could only pray that they were alright. I was very suprised of the lack of things happening. I didn't expect us to stay so long and I was really growing tired of this place.

I sat on the stairs looking at the sky. The stars had just started to show up and I knew it was about time for Victoria to leave, like she did once every week, to get blood and food. I never understood why Victoria of everyone was trusted with this but I never dared to ask either. Suddenly she was sitting down next to me which made me jump.

"Oh god Victoria! You almost scared me to death!"

"My apologies, I thought you heard me coming." She said and smiled.

"It's alright, I was lost in my thoughts."

Both were sitting quietly and it started to get embarrassing. I looked over at her. I had to admit, even though I hated it, that she was beautiful. Her blonde hair was shining and her blue eyes showed so much wisdom. I was honestly jelaous, I mean this was the girl who got through Aidans hard shell and made him love her. Then she looked at me and before she noticed I was looking at her I turned my head around protending to be fascinated by the big tree next to the house.

"You must be amazing." She said suddenly.

I looked at her suprised.

"What? Why?"

"All Aidan talks about is you. I've never seen him like this." She said looking at me seriously.

"Are you really serious?" I asked.

"Yes, I guess he must really like you." She smiled, but I could see the jealousy in her eyes.

"Then why did he sleep with you?" I asked more accusingly than I meant.

"What he had for me was real and I guess sometimes we fool ourselves thinking we still feel the same when we don't, he made a mistake." She sighed. "Anyway, I have to go. But please, at least talk to him." She said while standing up.

"Don't you love him?" I asked.

"Yes, I do." She answered.

"Then why are you telling me all of this?"

"Because even if I love him, doesn't mean he loves me back anymore. I blew my chance with him when I left, make sure you don't blow yours." She smiled one last time before disappearing into the night.

I smiled to myself. She was really, truly wonderful. I finally understood why Aidan fell for her. After staying outside a little longer I decided it was best to get inside. The first thing I saw when I walked in was Aidan, who sat at the desk in the hall. We just stared at each other for a while, at the same time I thought about what Victoria said. I was fighting with myself whether I should talk to him or not. At the end my bad side won and I walked by him without saying anything. When I was about to round the corner he called my name. I stopped and turned around. He was now standing up staring at the floor. When he had stood there silent for a while, probably thinking about what to say, I decided to take the first move.


He looked up at me, waiting for me to continue.

"Go to hell."

I turned around and was about to walk away, when I was pushed against the wall.

"Don't go." Aidan said.

I sighed. "Then what do you want me to do Aidan, huh?"

"I want you."

"It's too late for that. You slept with victoria behind my back. Did you really think I would just forgive you like that?"

"I said I was sorry." Like that was ever enough. " I made a mistake. I thought I still felt the same way about her but I don't." Aidan backed away a little.

"Aidan, no." I said firmly.

"Adriana, please."

"Why are you constantly doing this to me?" I screamed out.

"Because I love you!" Aidan yelled back.

I blinked suprised.

"You what?"

"I love you." He said calmly.

I couldn't believe my ears, he said he loved me.

I didn't get any chance to reply. Suddenly Aidan became very stiff and looked around frantically.

"What is it Aidan?" I asked.

"Their here." Was all he said.

Then in a flash there were two standing in front of us. Aidan put me behind him.

"Long time no see Aidan." One of them said.

"Not long enough Gavin." Aidan answered.

Gavin gave us a smirk.

"Just give us the girl Aidan and we can all skip the scene were you die."

"I don't think so."

Gavin shook his head. "That's you Aidan, always doing things the hard way. Either way, I will take her."

Aidan gritted his teeth. "I dare you to try."

I was afraid. They were two and Aidan was alone. As a human I couldn't do anything, I was useless. Gavin looked as I clung to Aidans arm and he smiled.

"Dangerous, love is. Especially if you fall for someone your suppose to protect." My eyes widened, he knew, did he hear us before? Gavin continued. "It makes it even harder when you lose your innocent."

I was grabbed from behind and Aidan reacted immediately. I saw and heard nothing and in just a second I was free again. I looked around to see Aidan behind me and next to him a body of a vampire, his throat was teared open. I knew he wasn't dead but at lest he would be unconscious for a long time. Aidan again, put himself in front of me. Gavin and the other vampire hadn't moved.

"My my." Gavin said. "What a mess."

Suddenly Sam and Paul appeard next to us.

"Where have you been?" Aidan yelled at them.

"I'm sorry, we were detained." Sam answered.

"Ah. Since everyone is finally here we could get this party started." Gavin said and blinked at me.

After that I didn't know what was happening. I could barely see them moving, my eyes couldn't keep up with their speed. Then Aidan shook me to get my attention. I looked at him and noticed how unexpected calm he was.

"Adriana run to the forest and hide. We will take care of these guys."

I shook my head. "No. I can't leave you guys, I can't leave you."

"You have to! You will only be in the way if you stay." Aidan said while looking me in the eyes.

I nodded and turned around to the door. When I was about to step out Aidan took a hold of my arm and turned me around so I was facing him. I looked up at him confused and then he kissed me soft before he pushed me out into the night and closed the door.

I just stood there, looking at the door for several minutes before I got a hold of myself. I ran for the woods while praying that Aidan and the others would be okay. If something would happen to them it would be my fault. All of this is to keep me safe. As i was running I could hear them now fighting inside, but then I stopped. Another vampire hade appeared in front of me. My breath was caught in my throat. I didn't think there was going to be more out here.
"I'm not letting you go anywhere darling." He sniffed the air. "I really do hate humans." He said and with one swing of his arm he hit me in the chest and made me fly backwards.
I felt how the air was pressed out of my lungs and I gasped as I hit the house wall and fell down on the ground. I started coughing and grasping for air. My whole body was shaking and I couldn't think. It felt like an eternity before I felt control over my body again. I sat up slowly, looking around. The vampire was gone but my fear wasn't. My heart started beeting faster and faster, you could almost dance at the speed of it.


I looked up and saw Aidan running towards me, in human speed. I got up slowly and met him.

"Are you okay?" I nodded as an answer. "I'm sorry, I didn't feel anyone out here."

"Where did he go?"

"I took care of him." Aidan answered.

I looked Aidan over. He had a few wounds but nothing too deep, I wondered if the others were as lucky.

"Can you run?" Aidan asked me suddenly.

"Yes, why ?"

"We have to get to the car, fast."

"But what about the others?" I asked as we started to run.

"They can take care of themselves now."

When we got to the car I was exhausted. Maybe it was because of the fear, it eat's your energy from the inside until there is nothing of it left but luckily Aidans wounds had healed for the most part. We got inside the car, well I nearly fell in. I grabbed the wheel, ready to go but in one second my body came to a stroke. I felt a fire inside of me that grew stronger and stronger, and suddenly I was sweating. My body screamed for me to give up and I was ready to obey when I felt a hand on my shoulder and I was pulled away from my trance. Aidan looked at me worried.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah." I started the car. "I'm fine."

I drived out onto the road.

"Where to?" I asked.

"Let's find a motel to begin with, tomorrow we head out to the city."


"There is someone I need to talk to."

"Right." I didn't ask more questions.

We arrived to a small motel about 47 minutes later. It wasn't anything much but you can't really expect a 5 star hotel in the middle of no where. The motel looked like it had been taken out of a thriller movie or something. The walls were cracked and a dark colour. By the looks of it, it was built in the 60's. After I parked the car we walked into the reception were a woman in her twenties were standing behind the reception disk. She was leaning on her elbows, clearly bored with her job. Her face gleamed up once Aidan and I walked through the doors. At first I thought she was just happy to see us because she now had something to do, but as soon as I saw the looks she gave Aidan I understood. I frowned, hell, I could almost see the drool running down her chin.

"Hello, how may I be at service today?" I could hear that line was learned in. She didn't give us the time to answer before continuing. "Two room perhaps?" She was clearly hoping.

"No, we only need one room." Aidan answered.

The girl kept on flirting with her eyes either way. Didn't she know how to take a hint?

"Listen mr...?"


"Well Aidan. If there is anything you need just give me a call, anything."

I swear to god I was so close to smacking her head in. I guess Aidan sensed that because he put his arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer.

"I have everything I need." He said smiling.

"Oh...well....okay. Here is your key. Your room number is 4, have a nice staying."

As we were walking towards the room I felt my blood boiling. What a complete bitch! Couldn't she see that Aidan and I were together, well sort of. Or couldn't she see that he was not interested in any way. Besides, he was too good for her anyways.


I looked at Aidan.

"No of course not!" I answered more calmly then I felt.

"Liar. I can almost see the steam coming out of your ears." He looked at me with a smirk on his face.

"I'm not jealous! I just thought she behaved herself badly at her job." I explained.

"Right, of course."

"Just shut up and open the door."

When Aidan finally opened the door I nearly threw up. I had never seen a more filthy room in my life. The walls were an grey-beige colour, or at least I think that was it's original colour. There was also holes and drawings all over the walls. The floor was covered in dust rats and other crap. The white carpet on the floor had so many stains that it could be mistaken for a dalmation. In the left corner there was an old armchair, ready to break any time and the bed wasn't any better.

"What is this?" I exlaimed.

"It's just for one night. Deal with it." Aidan said while walking in.

I followed him with a disgusted look on my face. "This is so not healthy."

Aidan pulled down the curtains and I came to think about how he had said that he loved me. I wondered if he really meant it or if he said it so I would forgive him. I wasn't sure at all but I wanted to know.

"Aidan?" He looked at me. "Did you mean what you said?"

"Said what?"

"That you love me." I saw him tense up. I continued. "Please, just be honest with me for once. I just want to know."

I didn't plan to forgive him or get back together with him anytime soon but I still felt the need to know how he felt about me. He just stood there for a while before walking up to me. He put his hand behind my neck and pulled my face forward to meet his lips. It felt so magical so I was stupid enough to kiss back. All of my no's and but's just flew out the window. I put my hand in his hair pulling him closer, even though I knew I had to stop. I did have feelings for Aidan, absolutely but it never seemed to get us anywhere. Sometimes loving each other just isn't enough and I understood that in our situation, a relationship was nearly impossible. That's when I finally pulled up my courage and pusched him away.

"Don't kiss me." I whispered.

"Why not?"

"This." I said while pointing between me and Aidan. "This can't be."

"What do you mean?" Aidan furrowed his eyebrows.

"You and I can't be together." I stepped back from him.

"And why is that?" Aidan took a step forward.

I sighed. "I'm a human Aidan."

"I know that." He said back.

"And you're a vampire."

"I know that too."

I gave a little smile as the tears were forming in my eyes. "It was a nice thought, it just weren't real."

I didn't get him the chance to reply. I walked into the bathroom. As I closed the door I leaned against it and slided down to the floor. I put my head in my hands as I cried quietly. I don't know for how long I sat there but in the end I pulled myself and my emotions together and got up from the floor. I whiped the rest of my tears away and opened the door but to my suprise, Aidan wasn't there. But I noticed some new clothes on the bed. I walked over to the bed and picked them up. It was just normal black sweatpants and a yellow t-shirt, but to me it might as well had been a million dollar-dress. I couldn't wait to get out of this dirty outfit I was currently wearing. By the size of the clothes I guessed he got it from the girl at the reception, which means she probably wouldn't have any clothes to wear when she would go home. I chuckled at this, I still thought she was stupid. I walked back into the bathroom and stripped down. When I got to my top I winced as I pulled it off. My back was really sore.
I didn't remember any shower that felt this good. It was like heaven at the moment and I enjoyed every single drop of hot water. When I got out of the shower I dried myself and put on the new clothes. When I walked out of the bathroom I saw that Aidan still hadn't come back. I didn't gave much thought to it, I guessed he was a little mad about what I had said. I walked over to the bed and lied down with the clothes still on. I pulled the blanket all over my head and closed my eyes. It did take a while before falling asleep. I guess I wasn't used to sleeping at the day and fighting at night but in the end I managed to drift off.
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