Collision Kisses


A week later.

Franks P.O.V.
I look at Gee in the mirror as I put on my black suit.
“You okay?” he asks, the concern clear in his voice.
“Yeah, I’ll be okay. I just need to say goodbye you know?”
“Course I do. We all know and we all need to do, that’s what today is for.” He walks over to me and wraps his arms around my recently dressed form he kisses my cheek softly, and then we leave the house.

As we step out of the car I turn around at look at him, the love of my life. The one person that I know is going to get me through today. He gets out of the car and takes my hand. Fuck this is going to be hard. I don’t move for a minute. I stand there with his hand in mine looking at the church, watching other people all dressed in black walking in to say goodbye to my mother.

“I’m not sure if I can do this.” I whisper.
“Of course you can. I’ll be right here next to you Frank. I’ll be here all today and I’ll be here forever.” His voice is quiet and full of sadness but I know he means it. I give him a weak smile before sighing and we then walk across the road and enter the church.

Once we’re inside the church I look to the front at my mothers coffin, I have to go and look at her for the last time. I pull Gerard’s hand softly and he follows me over to her side. He looks at me going to say something but then stopping himself,
“What do you wanna say hon?” I say, trying to keep my composure and not letting myself break down in tears.
“Don’t you wanna do this on your own. I mean, it’s your mum, I don’t want to intrude.” I smile weakly again.
“No.” I say. “I don’t want to do this on my own. I want you here beside me. I need you here.” He kisses me on the cheek as we walk as close as we can to the coffin.

With the hand that is not holding Gerard’s I push a strand of hair out of her face before kissing her softly on the forehead. I stand over her for a minute, with my hand resting on her cheek before whispering.
“I’m going to miss you Mum, I hope you aren’t suffering anymore. Rest in peace mum. I love you.” I felt the warm tears roll down my face before the first sentence was finished, and I know there’s plenty more to come. But I am suddenly self-conscious and quickly wipe the tears from my eyes. I then feel Gerard’s hand on my shoulder.
“Its okay to cry Frankie. Actually it’s a good thing to cry, it’s better out than in. I’m here babe, just let it out. I can’t keep it any longer. I turn to face my mum for the last time.
“Bye mum. I love you so much” I whisper before turning back to Gerard. I wrap my arms around his waist and rest my head on his chest and just cry.

I cry for about 5 minutes before Gee lifts up my head and points to the pews, I get what he’s trying to say and we make our way over and sit next to Amy. She’s crying too, her boyfriend doing his best to comfort her I mouth hi and he does the same to me and to Gee. Just as we place our weight on the pew, the vicar starts his service.

Gerard’s P.O.V.

I’m going to miss Linda too but I need to be strong for Frank. But as the vicar is talking about how terrible it is that this disease took her life prematurely, I couldn’t help but wrap my arm around Frank’s shoulders to bring him closer to me, and cry along with him. The vicar finishes his piece and the bearers carry the coffin outside, and we follow a few minutes later. I have a feeling this is going to be the hardest part out of today.

Frank’s P.O.V.

The vicar is saying some more, but I don’t think that anyone is particularly listening to him, we’re all in our little worlds. They lower the coffin and Gerard hands me a white rose, and keeps one for himself. Once everyone has done their bit, and have started walking away we stay.
“1, 2, 3.” He counts in whispers.
We both drop our rose at the same time, and then say:
“We’ll be together forever for you.” We say it in stereo which is strange because neither of us knew that the other was going to say something. I turn to him and he smiles weakly, giving my hand a quick squeeze. I turn back to look at her tombstone, she chose it herself before she died, and she chose the writing on it.

Linda Iero
6th July 1950 – 8th March 2007
Extremely proud Mother of two.
Because the hardest part of this is leaving you.

I wondered where the last sentence came from. I guess it was her was of letting us know that she was going to miss us. It was hard for me to do, but I whispered one last goodbye, the tears flowing down my face and turned back to Gerard. He was crying freely too and opened up his arms, I stepped closer to him and we embraced one another. We walked back to the car, luckily Amy’s boyfriend was driving us home in our car as they were going to stay at ours tonight. We sat together in the back: me leaning on his chest, his hand stroking my head both of us crying all the way home.

When we got home Gerard muttered a “make yourself at home” and showed them to their room before we retired to ours. I collapsed on the bed as Gerard went to get changed. It was only 3 in the afternoon but we didn’t want to do anything else all we needed was each other. He came back into the room and I patted the bed beside me willing him to sit down. And he did.
“Thank you for today. Thank you for being there for me.”
“I’m always going to be there for you. What hurts you hurts me. Today was hard but we’ll get through it. Together.” I kissed him softly, nothing passionate just a loving kiss before getting changed myself and then laying down next to him.
“Gee, what are we going to do?” Not sure if I want to talk or not.
“Shhhh babe. Don’t talk shut your eyes. Kiss me goodnight. And sleep. Just sleep.”
“I love you.” I whisper, knowing that I cannot sleep unless I have told him this.
“I love you too.” He whispers.
I do as he says, close my eyes, kiss him softly but quickly and hold him close. I fell into a desperately needed sleep, a few moments after I had heard Gerard’s first snore.

I will write a sequal
If you tell me you want it.