Collision Kisses


Frank’s P.O.V.

My eyes flutter open and it takes a few moments for me to focus on the scene in front of me, there he is my boyfriend. He’s sitting on the end of the bed, towel wrapped around his waist beads of water still all over his body his arm moving up and down slowly and he combs out the knots in his hair. I sit up and lean over to him, kissing him gently on the shoulder.

“Morning sleepyhead” he says making me smile
“Morning” I groan.
“Babe, you gonna have a shower? We’re meeting up with a couple of my mates in 2 hours.”
I move off of the bed and towards the bathroom
“Oh and Frankie, don’t wiggle your ass like that it makes me want to jump on you.” I wiggle my ass like it, making sure he notices, and he does. He jogs over to me pushed me onto the floor and kisses me passionately.
“Gee? Will I get that every time I go for a shower?”
“If you’re a good boy, yes.” He pokes out his tongue gets off me and I have my shower.

I walk out of the bathroom with just a towel around my waist and walk over to the side of the bed and bend over to pick up my bag. I hear you wolf whistle. I can’t help but to smile I turn around just as you snake your arms around me. We stay standing like that, holding each other for a while before
I get dressed.

I’m completely dressed and am sitting watching some random music channel whilst Gerard is sitting next to Mikey arguing about whether Misfits or Maiden are better. I end it, by saying four words:
“Die die my darling.”
“THANK YOU!” shouts Mikey and Gee pretends to sulk so I pat my knee and he comes over to sit on it. I kiss his cheek
“Sorry babe, but Maiden just don’t have the same energy” I say justifying my actions
“It’s okay, I understand that you like my brother more than me” He says in a huff, I know his joking so I join in.
“Oh yeah, course I do, Mikey? Come to bed with me, please?” sarcasm thick in my voice.
“What was last night to you Frankie? Just another pointless fuck?” Ouch. That hurt. Especially after what I told him last night.
“No Gee, it wasn’t. It meant more than that. I guess that’s all it was to you.” I get up and walk out the room.
“Nice one bro.” I hear Mikey say.

I leave the house but can’t think of anywhere to go, I spot a swing set on the lawn and go and sit on one. I sit there for a while, stewing over what had happened, getting more and more angry until I see him walk out of the door. He walks over to me and sits on the swing next to me.
“Frankie, I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean what I said. I wouldn’t have come to your crappy coffee shop everyday for nothing you know.”
“Oh it’s crappy now is it?” I say still trying to be angry with him.
“Well yeah, except watching your cute self for the time that I’m there”

I can’t help but smile, you see it and then wrap your arms around me and whisper in my ear
“I’m sorry Frankie, I love you babe” I smile and kiss you on the cheek
“I guess I’ll let you off”

I think to myself on the way to meet Gerard’s friends. Mum, why is this happening? I don’t want you to die, I can’t believe you are. You’re the only one whose always been there for me, you accepted my sexuality and welcomed any boyfriends I’ve had. I hope you like this one I hope he lasts, he really cares you know? You should like him, he’s gonna help look after you. I make a mental note to tell her that he’s gonna help when she’s home tomorrow. I go back to thinking about arrangements I’m going to have to make for the funeral and things, I don’t want her to die but I’ve accepted it I need to be prepared.

“Frankie? What’s up babe? You seem really distant” Gee asks the concern clear in my voice, bringing me back down to earth.
“Oh, nothing I was just thinking” I say, hoping he doesn’t ask what about.
“You can talk to me you know, what were you thinking about?” Damn, I decide to tell him, I guess he kind of needs to know and I don’t really have anything to lose. I sigh before letting it out

“I was thinking about my mum, about how I hope that she likes you and how I’m going to need to arrange the funeral and all things like that.” I say it as quick as I can hoping that it’ll make it not real somehow, or at least make the pain go away it doesn’t but your next words do. They don’t make it go completely but they help.
“Baby, I’m always here okay? I don’t see any reason for her not to like me, and I’ll help you arrange to funeral I’m here to do whatever you want me to” I have to smirk
“WHATEVER I want you to?” I ask, you smirk and reply
“Gerard Way, at your service baby.”
We’ll have to see about that now wont we. I think to myself before he pulls up at a Pizza parlour where there are 2 guys waiting for us I assume.