Status: Active for the moment

I'm Not the Last, but I Sure Ain't the First

The Breakdown

Jimmy came over an hour later with all of his stuff barely in a suit case. He had a few cuts here and there, but a smile was plastered on his face. How he could be happy, I had know idea.

"Hey Mattie, how's it kicking?" He said as he finished bringing the rest of his stuff in the house.

"Well, everything is the same. Tuck isn't here and I'm bored. How about you, man?"

"The usual, bitches throwing knives at me and me getting kicked out," he said with a tone of amusement.

"Yeah that just sounds so normal," I said, sarcasm coating my voice. He chuckled and brought me into a hug.

"I missed you, bud. You know what we need to do? We need to call up the guys and have a night out. No girlfriends, or in your case, boyfriends."

I chuckled at his comment knowing he was teasing.

"That reminds me, where is Tuck?"

"I don't know, being Tuck," I said, knowing he was probably off somewhere being unfaithful.

"Then lets leave him a note and go hit up Johnny's." I nodded and then went to do as he had said, since I really did want to hang out with the guys. Once I finished the note I put it somewhere I knew Tuck would find it. The liquor cabinet.

"Okay, let's go, duck-lover," I yelled at Jimmy as I grabbed my jacket.

When we pulled up to Johnny's, Zacky and Johnny was already there waiting on us. They looked just about the same since I had last seen them.

"Look who finally came out of the house." Short shit said to me jokingly.

"Whatever, don't be mad cause I have a man and you don't." They all laughed at my comment when he started to blush.

"Hey man, how have you been?" Zacky asked pulling me into a hug.

"Eh, I can't really say, but lets go get fucked up while we're here." They all nodded and walked into the bar.

"Hey! Where is Bri at? I know he is not passing up getting drunk." They all looked at me and shrugged.

"I called him, he should be here in a little while." As Zacky spoke, I felt someone climb on to my back giving my a noogie in the process.

"Matt!" Brian yelled into my ear.

"Hi bitch! now get off my back," I said ready to throw him. He climb off but didn't let go of me and gave me a proper hug.

"What's up man-lover? How ya been?" He asked, looking already fucked up. He let go of me so he look me in the eyes, barely.

"Been good, but you look better." I acted as if I was coming on to him.

"Whoa! Calm down horny man, I have someone for that." He said the stumbled to the table we were sitting at. I came and sat down with the rest of them they all look like they had something to say, except Brian since he was drunk.

"Is anything wrong?" I ask, wondering what this was all about.

"Uh -- could you do me a favor and not turn around for, like, the rest of tonight?" Johnny asked, receiving a slap in the back of the head from Jimmy. I turned to see Tuck sitting at a booth with his face stuck up against some slut.

I tried to stay calm as he sucked the lipstick off of her face, but it was hard.

Then I attacked.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys! what's up? So how do you think this is coming? I would like to know, but, uh,


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