Status: Active for the moment

I'm Not the Last, but I Sure Ain't the First


I went back to our place so I could figure out if he left or not. One thing about this whole ordeal was that I was not about to let him keep my place. I had this place longer then I've had my baby Bella. Hell no he wasn't getting my fucking place.

I opened the door and all I saw was the mess Tuck left earlier. It looked like he wasn't here which was good so I could change the locks and get his shit out of here. This was also a good time for me to clean the place since I knew it wasn't going to be destroyed anymore.

So I put some music on and got to cleaning.

In the middle of Opeth I heard the door unlock and in came a drunken Tuck being cared by to of his dirty ass friends. They shook their heads like I was the one who was cheating on him. I just stared them down until they finally left.


They put him on the couch which was kind of in the way of my cleaning, but I let it go for now. When he wakes up I plan on handing him his shit and kicking him out.

I blasted my music to the fullest hoping I would wake him up. I knew he would a headache from hell and I'm making sure it was going to be one he remembered. i ran upstairs before he started tossing around on the couch so I could get his stuff outside before he knew what was going on.

Once I got back downstairs he was sitting sideways on the couch trying see through his drunken stupor.

"Matt? What the hell is going on? Why is it so loud in here?" He said, I could read his lips from across the room. This was going to be fun. I got to turn the music down so he could hear me loud and clear.

"Listen to me and listen clear. I have had it with your shit, your going to get you nasty shit from out of my place and get the hell on. That is all I have to say." I say spewing the words fro my mouth. he only heard about half of that and understood about a tenth of it. I really couldn't care less either.

I put his stuff outside and then put him outside. Once I was back inside the house it felt like I lifted a ton off of my body. I felt so much better then last year or so. I felt so pumped at that moment that I decided to call Jimmy to see where he was.

"Yo Jimbo where are you?" I said after jumping on the couch.

"nothing much just on my way back to your house. I don't really know why they wouldn't let me ride back with you since I'm staying there but hey, new pointless memories. Hey you sir?! Open thy door!" He said yelling the last part in my ear.

"Ok." I say and get up to open the door. Before it was completely open I had a Jimmy coming down on my face. I threw him off of me before any more damage would be down to my face. He jumped and looked out the window.

"Ay mate, look at what we got here. Premium asshole, the best of it's species if you tell me." He said in a bad Australian accent.

"Mate I think its time to call animal control on this one. His massive assholeyness can spread for miles upon end." I just laughed as he kept going. I knew everything would work out now that me and Jimmy here were back on good terms. Now to just fix everything else.
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So don't kill me this may suck and its way over due sorry....I lacked internet......and patience
but please subscribe or comment. Tell me if it sucks!
