Clowns will kill you in your sleep!

Clowns will kill you in your sleep.

"Anyone in this class afraid of clowns?" Mrs. Thompson, my math teacher asked the class. I looked around at everyone else before raising my hand. Most of the kids gave some odd looks, even the teacher did. Wait. I'm sorry, I'm being rude. I'm Victoria and the reason that everyone turned to look at me is because I'm the so called 'scary girl' in my school. You know that one that watches horror movies all the time and wears all black; the girl that only has a small group of friends and always thinks/talks about death. So of course I'm not one to gets scared of many things. "I don't know hat to do now because my whole power point is about a circus.Do you wan to o to another room?"she asked. "Sure,why not?" I said before walking out of the class room and down the hall. "Can I stay in here?" I asked as I walked into Mrs. Newsome's class. "Why?" she replied. I didn't want to tell her that I was afraid of clowns because some of the other kids in the class might think I'm weak then I thought 'I'll just tell her I have Coulrophobia' instead. "Because I have Coulrophobia," I stated. "Coulrophobia? What's that?" Darn! I was hoping she wouldn't ask. "It's means I'm afraid of clowns." I some of the stupid boys were trying not to laugh. "Okay. Well just sit down some where." I walked to the back and sat down. The rest of the day was uneventful.
The next day I walked into the school and sat with my friends as I always do, until.... "Oh, Victoria," I heard someone say behind me in a (trying to be creepy) voice. I turned around, about to tell them to go away, but when I did I saw they were dressed up as a clown. I (of course) screamed. They fell over laughing. "You should have seen your face!" They giggled out. I wanted to smack them but I couldn't move. I was petrified. Then I did some thing I thought I'd never do. I fainted. When I woke up I was in the nurse's office. "You're awake!" the nurse smiled. "Yeah," I said,"my head is killing me." "Well I'd think so. When you fainted you hit the floor pretty hard." Then I remembered what had happened. God when I got my hands on that retard... My thoughts were interrupted when the nurse said,"Steve came dressed as a clown today to scare you." Of course it would be Steve! Me and him have hated each other since we meet. In my anger I walked out and went home. I was going to make him pay.
"How could you have done some thing so stupid!?" Mom yelled at me. I ended up getting suspended for breaking Steve's nose. "Because he made me mad," I answered. that was the only answer I could think of. I'd never been in a fight before everyone was always to scared to try it. Mom sighed. "Just wish you could be a little nicer to people." I sat in my room all day until I heard some one tapping on my window. I walked over to see that it was Justin, one of the few people I trusted. "I wanted to ask if you wanted to come with me to see a freak show." I smiled and said,"Sure." "Awesome! I'll come get you tomorrow at 8?" He asked/said. "Yep." With that he left. Like he said the next day Justin picked me up at 8 and we left. We sat and watched the show. We had seats in the front row so we could see everything perfect. Then a clown came out. I turned to Justin. "You never said there where clowns here!" He looked back at me and smirked. More of them came out, one came over to where I was and was about to say some thing when out of pure fear I got up kicked him in the face and ran. Justin got up and ran after me. "Why are you so afraid of clowns?" he asked when he caught up with me. "Because they will kill you in your sleep and eat you children," I answered before leaving. That was really weird. I kept having this feeling that someone was watching me. I just thought I was being paranoid and shacked off the feeling. But when I went to sleep that night I heard someone in my room. I looked over and saw that same painted face. I was about to scream when it put his hand over my mouth. That was the last thing I saw.