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You're The Only One That Can't See It

How I Met HIM.

"Mr.Shalfree, it's good to see you again," I say and shake hands with the high school principle. It's my first year of grade 9 but all through grade 7 and 8 I helped him out before and after school. I wouldn't have if it wasn't for my older sister. I would be too shy but since she already knew him well, I decided to as well.
He shakes my hand and smiles wide, "Yes, this is wonderful! We finally get to have you in our school, I know this is going to be a great year."
I nod in agreement and answer, "Definitely, but is there anything you need help with?"
"Oh yes, there is. Some grade 9s are going to be getting a tour of the school, and it would be a great help if you could be the guide for one of the groups?"
"Okay, sounds great, when am I scheduled?"
"Well, it's during second period so come to the office after first period and I'll get you an excuse note. And thank you so much for doing this, you're always a great help around here."
I nod and walk to my assigned locker and place all my belongings there. Then I make my way towards the art room. I knock at the door and Ms.Karren's voice comes from inside,
"Yes? Who is it?"
"It's me, Andrea." I answer
"Oh darling, come on in, it's so good to see you after the summer!"
"I know, I've missed this place and I can't believe I finally get to actually go to classes here."
I walk in and she wraps me in a hug. She's a young and youthful teacher that has a great passion for art, which equaled in her being an art teacher. She pulls back and asks, "So, do you have art this semester?"
"Yes, thankfully."
"That's good, it'll be great having you in my class. Would you like to do some art, or were just popping in to say hello?"
"I would love to do some art! I have about 45 minutes, so what do you think would be an easy and fun project that doesn't take too long?"
She gives me a head start on the project we will be working on in class. We must pick our favorite artist, mine being Claude Monet, and try to paint a picture that has a similar technique. I decided to do two people walking down a road, hand in hand. I only got to start on the trees above when I realized it had been 45 minutes, which means 20 minutes until class. I left and headed to my locker. I got there and the halls were empty. I put my head phones in and turned up the music. Tapping my hands on my thighs as I walked, I headed to go say hi to my English teacher that I had for first period. I spin in a circle and find myself bumping shoulders with a guy. He looks at me and does that cute half smile that guys do. I look down and blush, saying, "Oh sorry, I guess I.. umm.. got a little, carried away," I manage to stutter out, looking anywhere but in his eyes. He just laughs and says, "No problem, I think it's cute. But do you happen to know your way around the school?"
"Yea, I have for years, what are you looking for?" I answer in a soft voice. My heart is pounding. Why? I hadn't a clue.
"I just need to find, uhh.." He looks down at a piece of paper in his hand and says, "Locker #469. I really suck at finding my way around anywhere." He puts the paper in his pocket again and I say, "Yea, want directions or should I come so you don't get lost?" This brings a small smile to his face, "I think it would be best if I wouldn't get lost, it's not the funnest thing in the world." I nod and motion him to follow me. We walk through the halls making small talk, then we reach his locker. "This is it. Think you can find your way back now?" I say playfully. "Oh I'm not sure," He says in the same tone of voice. I realize I don't know his name. I definitely am not going to ask though, what if he thinks I'm weird..
"Thanks for helping me find my way, -" He stops noticing that he doesn't know my name either. He smiles wide and sticks out his hand saying, "My name is Drai, nice to meet you.." He says asking for a name. I shake his hand and return his smile, answering, "Andrea-Mary. But just Andrea is good." He nods and says, "Okay well I'll see you around I hope, Andrea."
"Same to you Drai," I answer. I smile wide and walk away, back towards my locker, knowing I have classes soon. Drai. Drai. Drai. Yeah. I like that name.
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Okay, so it was just a little part of how they met. I'm going to show the exciting part of second period on the next chapter ;) Read, Comment, Subscribe!