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You're The Only One That Can't See It

Somebodies Jealous?

I sneak a look at Andrea, as I have many times. She's hiding into Drai's shirt and Drai is smiling down at her. She pulls back to hit him on the arm and whisper something to him. I wish she was hiding in my shirt, not his. I sigh and look at the screen again. I few minutes later I notice Camille clutching the arm rest. I take her hand and whisper to her, "it's alright, it's just a movie." I smile at her. She looks at me and blushes. I can tell even in the dark room. She nods and smiles wide, looking to the screen, but not really paying attention. Drai and Andrea stand up to walk into the aisle. As they pass Drai leans down and says to me, smiling,
"I'll give you two some alone time, as long as we get some time to." He winks dramatically and I laugh. I really want to run after Andrea and just wrap her in a hug and tell her how much I care. But no, Drai gets to tell her how he feels first. If she rejects him, then I'm allowed to take a shot. That's how it's always been if we both like a girl; first one to say they like her gets the first move. Drai jogs to catch up with her. I act like I don't give it a second thought but I can't stop thinking about it. What if she likes him back? She obviously does, I just don't want to believe it. I have to promise myself this, even if she takes Drai, I have to let her know how I feel. I don't want to keep this secret for any longer! Then, Camille's tiny hand squeezes mine while she closes her eyes and turns her head away. I smile. Scary movies always work to get girls. Even if it's the oldest trick in the book, it still works. I rub my thumb over the back of her hand and lean forward to say,

"Shh.. you're fine, I promise."
She opens her shining eyes to look at me. She smiles and leans her shoulder on mine. I wrap my arm around her shoulders and hold her other hand. I use the light from the screen to see that she's blushing again. She won't dare look at me. For a second her curly brown hair looks like Andrea's straight black hair. But I blink in amazement, and it's gone. It's still Camille. Andrea.. What if I could get her to like me? I know so much about her. We would be great together, but I know that Drai would be better. I will always fight for what I believe in though. No matter what it takes, if I care enough, I won't give up. A few more suspenseful minutes later, they walk in. I look at the screen and wait for them to walk to their seats again. They come back, holding hands!?

My heart breaks. The only girl I've truly liked, maybe even loved, is dating my best friend. Camille's shoulders hunch over a little once they sit down; Andrea in his lap. I look at her quizzically. She doesn't notice me looking. She looks sad, shoulders dropped, eyes looking down at our hands, then she turns to glare at Drai and Andrea. She sees me looking and she changes her focus quickly to the screen. She looks sad and mad. Why? I haven't a clue, but I will find out.
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SO SORRY for taking so long to update! I've been incredibly busy! For once, I have a day to relax, well, for the most part. Update maybe tomorrow, lets hope! (: