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You're The Only One That Can't See It

Comfort Me, Drai.

"Drai?" Is the only word that can escape my lips. I can't even lift my head to look into those gorgeous eyes. My shoulders are shaking and my hair is flying everywhere, flowing with the wind. Drai's arms wrap around me, pulling my onto his lap. I lean my head against his chest. It feels great to have someone there to help you, for once. Tightening his grip, he speaks into my hair,
"Shh.. just cry. Don't talk, you'll be breathless after one sentence. Shh.. It's okay, it'll all be okay."
His words sooth me more than anyone else could. I relax and he waits patiently for me to stop crying. My heart still beats fast, but the tears have stopped after a few minutes. I pull back but can't look at him. My makeup is obviously smudged. My hair is clearly a mess. I am a mess.
He puts a finger on my chin so that my hiding face is facing him.
"Andrea? Are you alright? If you don't want to talk, I understand. But you do need to talk, then please, I would love to listen and try to help any way that I can."
"Why are so nice to me? Why do you care about a random girls problems? Any normal guy would've laughed and spread a rumor like saying I randomly punched her in the face."

"You're not just any girl. We were good friends at the beginning of high school, then you started pulling away. Which made me more interested in you. And no, any asshole would've laughed and spread rumors. A decent guy would've asked if she was alright. Now you didn't answer my question; Are you alright?"

"I think that I'm okay now.." I say in a whisper, looking down. That's a lie. I'm not okay. I'm better now, but I still feel like someone just punched me in the gut. I feel like my body is caving in on it self. I've been avoiding anything like this ever since my failed suicide. No contact with anyone or anything that could have any relation to it.

"Andrea, you expect me to believe that? Tell me what you want and I'll do exactly that."

Once he spoke those words, I heard the words run through my head, the ones I wish I could say, Drai, I want you kiss me. I want you to tell me everything is going to be great, I want to feel safe. I want so many things! But I can't have them. Instead I just say,
"There's a lot of impossible things that I want." Oh god. Did I just say that? Out loud!?
"Nothing is impossible." He answers. He rubs his hand over my back, stroking it up and down. I want to just lay down beside him and look into the blue sky. But then I hear it. Running feet. Two people. Drai looks over his shoulder and mouths something to the figures that has stopped behind me. They sit down beside me on the other side.

"Oh my god Andrea. That was.. brave. I am so sorry about your Dad, oh god, that's terrible. I don't even know what to say!" Camille says to me in a worried voice. She pulls me into a hug and I feel my eyes get glassy again.
"Yeah, I can't believe you gave her what she finally deserves. After how many years of her bullying, karma creeped up and bit her right in her ass." Christopher adds on with a comforting smile. This lightens my mood a little.
Camille nods in agreement and looks at my face.
"Okay, that's what I thought. Here." She hands me a bag. Makeup. I laugh a little. Of course.
"Oh my god Camille, you are a life saver!" We laugh together as she helps me apply it, considering the lack of a mirror.
"Girls.." Christopher and Drai say together from either sides of me. We all laugh a little more. After my make up is done, I stand up.

"Shit. This is going to be an interesting school year now." I say, brushing grass off my pants.
"Remember, we're on your side. Always." Camille answers,
"Thanks," I say smiling. I look at my feet, then say nervously,
"Uhmm.. Drai, can I talk to you over here please?"
Camille grabs a confused Christopher, dragging him along, talking about how they have to get everything situated before I enter the school. Not before she gives me a smile and a look of good luck. She already can tell how much I like Drai. That obvious?

"Okay, umm..I just wanted to say you are the greatest friend ever. i don't think that any other guy I have met would've done that for me. So I really just needed you to know how much that meant to me. It helped me a lot." At the beginning I was shuffling my feet nervous, now I'm smiling and slowly meeting my eyes to his. He beams at me and pulls me into a hug, saying into my shoulder,
"Andrea, it's really no problem! And i really mean it when I say that I would love to listen to you and try my best to help. So remember that, okay?"

He pulls back, keeping his hands on my shoulders so that he can look me in the eye. I smile and nod. He grins wider and plants a cute peck on my cheek.
"Now lets go! We don't want the drama to start without us, now do we?" He says sarcastically. I smile and grab his forearm, pulling him along through the field towards the school. I let go and run a little faster screaming over my shoulder,
"Last one there owes the other lunch!"
"You little cheater!" He replies as he runs after me quickly. He grabs at my arm, pulling me back, just as I'm reaching the edge of the field. I topple backwards, into his arms. He catches me, laughing.
"Not quiet fast enough yet." He says, breathless. I glare at him playfully. We laugh some more and walk to the school doors. Just meters away, I run and touch the door, exclaiming,
"You owe me lunch!"
"Fine." He says and dramatically pouts his face in fake anger. A smile breaks onto his face though. I enter the school, my smile dropping. Hell has officially conjured high school.
♠ ♠ ♠
Aww, he kissed her!?
Some more action going on, huh?
Surprises are coming up soon! :D