Rip out My Heart & Run Away With It

I don't talk to strangers

:::Tierney's POV:::

So today was the day that Andy was coming out too see Syn and whenwe I would get to meet her. And to tell the truth I was kinda nervous...for what reason I don't know but I know I was nervous at one point. Didn't help the fact that she was like 10 minutes late and I'm a very impatient person and when I get like that I can't keep still, so right now I had Miley on my leg bouncing her...atleast someone was enjoying it.

" He's back!" Rev yelled.

Everyone ran to the door and threw it open. Jeez this Andy chick must be popular! Syn walked in with Andy, while the guys follwed. Andy had long red hair to the middle of her back at least. Brown eyes and a pretty figure. I wonder why Syn likes her? Uhh is it maybe her boobs! Jesus Christ you could kill someone with those things.

“Andy this is Tierney, Tierney this is Andy.”

I looked at Andy while she just stared at me, she held out her hand for me to shake I slowly took her hand and shook it. The tension in the room was so think you could cut a knife through it.

“Nice to meet you Tierney”

“Nice too meet you too. I’ve heard a lot about you, all good so don’t worry!”

Andy laughed and right away just from that laugh I could tell that we were gonna be good friends.

Miley ran in and stared straight at Andy like she was an alien to her.

“Who are you?”

“My name is Andy what’s yours?”

“Mommy say’s no talkie to strangwers.”

“I’m not a stranger I’m Syn’s girlfriend.”

“Well okay…I’m Miley!”

“That’s a cool name.”

“Yep my daddy named me” Miley says pointing to Matt.

Andy looked confused for a second then it hit her.

“Oh my god your Tierney, your Matt’s lover!”

I laughed and everyone else started too.

“I guess you could say that!”

“Dude Matt wouldn’t shut up about you in California, awww you guys are back together how cute!”

We all laughed again and through the whole night I got to know Andy and realized she was an awesome person and that this was gonna be a cool friendship.