Rip out My Heart & Run Away With It

Day in the life of...

::Tierney's POV::

Jimmy looked at me as soon as I walked into the room and just glared at me. I didn't want to say anything but it's me, and in the end I had to say something!

" What did I do!?"

Everyone looked at me, and from that point I knew I was busted.

"You called me gay!!!" Jimmy yelled. I smiled and shrugged a little. "Well yea...I did...but well....I'm sorry Jimmy!! Can you ever forgive me!?"

Jimmy turned his back to me and tried to ignore me. I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. He again continued to ignore me and I turned up the cute act.

"But please Jimmykins forgive me I'll love you forever and ever!!" Everyone started to laugh but as soon as I gave them the look everyone shut up.

Jimmy turned around and looked at me with the pout still on his face but I could tell that at any second he was going to cave.

"What do I get out of forgiving you!?"

I looked at him and pouted, giving him the puppy dog pout look, knowing that he couldn't resist. Jimmy groaned and looked back down at me.

"Fine I forgive you! But you better love me forever!"

I smiled and laughed, then hugged him. Jimmy picked me up and twirled me around then sat me back down on the ground.

"Thank you Jimmykins!!!"

Jimmy smiled and nodded. "Yea yea...just don't call me gay!!!"

I walked back over to Matt and he took me in his arms. "How did you do it?"

"Do what!?"

"Get Rev to forgive you...normally if we called him gay he would hold a grudge against us for weeks yet you...he hate's you for what three minutes then get's over it and loves you again. Jeez your good!"

I smiled and pecked Matt on the lips, making him smile at me. Miley ran up to him and started pulling on his jeans. Matt looked down, and picked her up.

"Yes sweetie?"

"I want to go to park now daddy!"

Matt smiled and kissed her on the cheek. "Okay everyone were heading out to the park now! So let's get going."

Everyone grabbed their swimsuits and towels and other stuff, then headed out. We all piled into Matt's car, and was on our way to the park.

While driving there, Miley was poking Zacky who was pouting because Matt wouldn't allow him to poke Miley back. Syn and Andy were being cute, yet weird towards each other. Rev was singing some weird song. And Johnny was just....well being Johnny. Never again will I put all these people in the same car again! It was total and utter hell!!

Just kidding it was actually really funny till Miley started crying, cause Jimmy turned around and ended up poking her, after hearing Zacky complain to much. Yea let's just say Jimmy had a bruise on his face after Matt stopped the car and hit him.
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Sorry for the long wait!! I'm really sorry!!! I didn't know what to write for the story and again sorry!!! I have an announcement, if any girls or guys!! would like to take part in the story and be one of the other guys girlfriends then just tell me so! Also if you would like to become an author for the story and write your own pov for you and your boyfriend again be my guest. The guys that are free are: Ryan. Zacky, Jimmy, and Johnny...but just get back to me!! Also Comments welcomed!!!