Rip out My Heart & Run Away With It

Padded Room that's Black

::Tierney's POV::

“Tierney psst! Tierney!”

“I don’t see you or hear you so this must be a dream!”

Please God let it be a dream

“Come on Tierney wakie wakie eggs and bacon.”

“That doesn’t even rhyme you dumbass!”

“I thought you couldn’t hear me!”

“Is Miley still sleeping?”

“Nice job changing the subject!”

“Nice job waking me up.”

“Well I just wanted to tell you someone dude called for you again, but he said he might call again.”

What the fuck?

“Who was it?”

“I don’t know one of your many secret lovers.”

“Ryan you know I don’t have secret lover.”

“Ya ever since you had Miley with Matt.”

“Shut George Ryan Ross I’m warning you!”

I was fully sitting up in my bed now glaring at my brother. I hated it when people brought up the memories of Matt he was the best thing that ever happened to me and I missed him ever night. It was even more painful looking at our daughter and seeing him in her. Never again have I really been with a man since Matt. I mean ya I dated and stuff but I never fell in love again.

“I’m sorry NeNe I shouldn’t have said that.” Ryan whispered.

I looked at him and nodded.

“It’s okay, it’s still hard though Ry.”

“I know but it’ll get easier I promise!”
“Ry what would I do without you?”

“Crawl in a corner, rock back in forth in the fetal position with your thumb in your mouth in a padded room that’s all black!”

“I thought it was white?”

“I like black better this time so shut up!”

“Ry I love you!”

“I know!”