Rip out My Heart & Run Away With It

Best night!

::Matt's POV::

I tried calling Tier thousands off times and everytime I did her brother Ryan would pick up, he told me that he would tell her and I believe him were pretty good friends but I don't think he's telling her that it's Matt yourlover calling.

I sat onour my bed and looked up at the ceiling.

Why did I ever leave her!?
Cause you couldn't handle raising a child and she was so young and so where you!
I hate myself!

I had these talk's with myself like everyday and everyday I wanted to be with Tier and my baby more and more!

I rolled over on my stomach reached into the drawer and grabbed the picture of me and her in it smiling and her on my lap.

God how I missed that!

Everyone in the group would try and tell me to go back to her and just see her and the kid but I was afriad she wouldn't take me back it has been two years

I reached for my phone grabbed it and hit speed dial to call her.


"Is Tierney there."

"Ohh Matt call her cell phone number!"

"Oh dude thanks!

"No problem ohh do you want to speak to your daughter."

"Uhh I don't know what to say!"

"Just say hi!"

"Hi!" Came a very soft voice.

"Hi baby!"

"Hi daddy!"

"You know who I am!"

I said surprised, Tierney told her!

"Yes mommy keep pictue of you! Uncle Ry told me!"

"Ohh baby that's so sweet."

"Ya gues what!"


"I can write my name and count to 4!"

"Really what's your name and count for me!"

"My name is Miley Tara Grace Sanders-Ross 1....2......3.....uh...4"

"Good job Miley!"

"Twankie you daddy!"

"Baby Miley I have to go but I'll talk to you again ok!"

"Okay bye daddy!"

"Bye baby!"

I hung up and just smiled she had my last name my daughter Miley Tara Grace had my last name!

This is the best night of my life!