Rip out My Heart & Run Away With It

Kangaroo's can kick your ass

::::::::::::::Matt's POV:::::::::::::::

Tierney and I continued to walk around the zoo but now things were different instead of first starting off not really wanting to walk close to each other. I had her left hand in my right hand and basically had her as close as possibly.

"Matt were gonna have to go back and get Miley I'm afraid for her life when she's left alone with Zacky."

I looked at her and smiled.

"He wouldn't dare do anything to our kid if he did I would beat the shit out of him!"

She smiled and stopped to kiss me again for god now's how many times and I never got tired of them.

" You smiled in the kiss and it felt weird!"

I laughed a little and kissed her forehead.

"Well I'm sorry then"

"I never said I didn't like it."

I smiled and placed my lips back onto hers this time it was her who smiled in the kiss making me smirk just a little.

"Well now we find you guys!"

We turned and saw the whole crew.

"What do you guys want?"

"Miley wanted to see the lions and I got tired of sitting there bored!" Syn said.

Tierney rolled her eyes and took Miley from Jimmy.

"Can I hold her?"

"Ya" Tierney handed Miley over and I placed her on my shoulders. She laughed and giggled. Making me smile on the outside and inside.


"What the fuck is with you and kangaroo's!" Zacky said

"They rock and can kick your ass!"

I smiled grabbed Tierney's hand and walked to the kangaroo exibit.