Rip out My Heart & Run Away With It

Fingers Crossed, Brian who can read mind's, and th

::Tierney's POV::

I was really happy to get to meet Syn's new girlfriend don't get me wrong. But me and Syn have always been close and he's like my big brother so whenever he got a new girlfriend I would kinda be a little bitchy to the till I got to know them then I would calm down.

"Hey Tier are you gonna play nice when Andy get's here?"

I looked up at Brian who was now holding Miley in his arms. They had bounded really quickly it was quietcute adorable.

I smiled up at him and shrugged.

"Come on Syn it's me...why wouldn't I play nice!"

"Uhh lets see you scared away one of my girlfriend, treated one, and actually hit the other....I can continue if you want!"

I rolled my eyes. Doesn't he think he's taking this a little bit to serious!

"I am not taking this to serious!"

Damn it's like he can read my mind!

"Promise me Tierney, that your ass will be nice."

" Jeez Syn I don't think Andy would be to happy if you were looking at my as, neither would Matt"


Brian yelled and Miley clamped her hands over her ears and laughed. Wow that girl is special.

"I promise I will play nice I guess"

Brian smiled a little, he bent down a little kissed my cheek and went back over to the guys stilling carrying Miley. To bad he didn't know that I had my fingers crossed.

" I saw that Tier"

I turned to see who was talking to me and saw Matt.

"I will play nice as long as she play's nicely too!"

Matt smiled and pulled me to his chest.

"Be good my little demon"

"I'm not promising anything my demon master"
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Please Comment I need to know how the story is goin!