Status: Completed

Lessons Learned


The hallways are empty, with the exception being me. Standing out side of the classroom my hand is hovering inches from the handle but for some reason I can't bring myself to grab it. Rubbing my temples I try to slow down my breathing to a more slower pace and get myself together.

Once I do I heft my books to a more comfortable position and inhale before swinging the door open. The classroom, which had been dead silent a moment ago, erupts into liveliness at my arrival and putting on a smile I wave.

"Hey Mr. Bachman, sorry I'm late."

The teacher just shakes his head, picks up the attendance ledger and mutters, "You're late again Mr. Seitzer. One more tardy and you'll find your butt in the detention office got it?"

"Sure sure, I got ya."

As Mr. B is scribbling down whatever it is teachers use to mark attendance I'm laughing at something one of my 'friends' said when, from the corner of my eye, I see a figure rises from behind the Teacher's desk. Looking back at my 'friend' Brody I reply with a wise crack and more than half the class erupts as if what I said was the funniest thing on earth. In my mind even I have to admit that it wasn't even that good of a comeback and for a split second my smile falters.

Quickly correcting myself I feel a pair of eyes on me and glancing up my eyes catch our special guest's blue-slash-grey colored ones and I tilt my head as if to say "Who're you?" Mr. B answers my question, although not before politely but firmly asking me to take a seat, and after I comply he introduces the new teacher.

"Class I'd like you to welcome Mr. Littela. He's interested in becoming a teacher so please don't scare him away."

The class laughs a little but it's nothing compared to the reactions I'm able to get from people. Smirking I roll my eyes at how expected the introduction was. Don't teachers have any more creativity than that? Or maybe it's in the teacher handbook on Introductions of New Students/ Teachers. Rule #1: never use anything except for the "Class I'd like you to meet ____. Make him feel welcomed!"

Snickering I whisper this idea to a girl named Emilia who sits in front of me and you'd have thought I'd told her the worlds funniest knock knock joke- if there is such a thing- by the way she cracks up. Mr. B asks us if there's anything we want to share with the class. Shaking my head I let Emilia make up an excuse for us and peeking at the student teacher I take in his entire physic.

From the bottom up I have to say he looks pretty good. No freshman fifteen for him. When I reach his head I look at the way his hair has a natural cowlick in the front, giving him a laid back image. As I'm trying to figure out how to make my own do that he catches me staring and when his eyes flash in indigence I can't help but grin.

Instantly I tear my gaze away and look back up at the board like the diligent student I am. For the rest of the period I pretend to be focusing on the lesson, taking notes when needed, answering the questions when called upon, but the truth is I'm just craftily observing Mr. Littela as he tries to remain hidden and unnoticed in the corner.

Mentally I laugh myself and think, sorry but no such luck ST. You're in my line of sight, and I have every intention of causing you a commotion.

And a big commotion at that.
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new story, sorry it's a short chapter, may rewrite later, don't know what's going to happen. Ditch or keep?