Status: Completed

Lessons Learned


I bit my lip as I looked towards the door that Parker had just walked out of. "Hello." I said, answering the phone. I knew who it would be. It would be Hallie, and she'd probably bitch me out.

"Hey Vias!" She said, surprising me by the sound of her voice. She didn't sound mad or angry at all, and that was probably what scared me the most.

"Hey Hallie..."I murmured cautiously. "So..." I said. I couldn't exactly ask what she was calling for because we both knew what we she called me about.

"So, I was thinking that it was a good time for the two of us to break up. I mean, honestly I've kind of fallen out of love with you and you... seem to have moved on as well." She told me, and I swear, a breath of relief slipped past my lips.

Thank God.

"Yeah, I agree." I said quietly.

"Good." She continued, "Because now that I am not dating you, it wouldn't be strange at all if I scolded you for what I saw you doing. So, what the hell did you think you were doing!?" She suddenly screamed in my ear.

"W-what are you talking about?" I asked, my eyes wide.

"You were about to shag him, I could see it. Don't you dare tell me you were going to do that to him without trying to get to know him first." She scolded. "You two will be adorable together, but if you're dating, not if you're just casual lays."

I sat there with my jaw practically on the floor. "Did you just say what I think you just said?" I asked.

Hallie laughed. "Of course, I said that you should get to know him better, date him."

My eyes widened even more. "You catch me the act, and you tell me to date the boy it was with?" I asked, trying to get this straight.

"Yep!" She said, and I chuckled.

"I don't even know if i like him." I said after a few moments of silence.

Hallie chuckled. "Trust me, I'll show you just how much you like him. Well I've got to get in the car to drive back to school before the next class. Talk to you later, bye!" She said, and I was left hanging up the phone.

Did Parker and I just get a fangirl?

Shaking my head, and put down the phone and picked up my lesson plan, changing and reading over things for the next class.
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it's short, but it's an update!!!!:D