Status: Completed

Lessons Learned


"Are you sure you can't stay the night Parker?"

Slipping on my sandals I shake my head and use my number fifty-three alibi on the petite blonde.


"You know I'd stay the night if I could Sarah.  But I've got a five page story due on Monday and I've only got about a sentence done so... Woo for all-nighters."

The lack of enthusiasm brings a smile to her face and I'm glad my friends eat up my alibis so easily.  It's probably because they only know me as a horrible liar.  But that's who I need them to think I am.  Sure friends are supposed to be there for you no matter what, but as long as they see me as one of them that's all I'll ever ask.

Walking out to my car I  honk a farewell before ditching the cul-da-sac.  Making my way home I  put in the personal CD Melissa'd given me and hum along softly to the songs I know, and attempt to with the ones I don't. Windows rolled down and the freedom of the highway underneath me, I try not to over think the fact that it's only my friends- and to some degree the new addition of Vias- who're keeping me afloat right now.  


Pulling into the driveway I don't know why I don't notice the other car parked on the curb.  I don't know why I don't comprehend all the lights in the house being on with my mom being home.  I don't know why I didn't just stay the night at Sarah's house.  

All that I know is that I was stupid to be three hours past curfew.

Silently slipping in the backdoor I nearly have a heart attack when a voice from within yells, "Freeze!"

Automatically raising my hands behind my head as if I'd been caught by the police for a crime, it's not until the speaker keeps talking that I realize that it's a late night oldie being aired on the television in the living room.  Cautiously breathing a sigh of relief I silently remove my sandals before tip toeing through the living room.  

Even though I avoided making a sound, it's useless to try to go unnoticed when my mom is involved.  About three quarters up the stairs I get the uncomfortable feeling that I've been caught once again.  But it's not until she demands that I face her that I realize how much shit I'm in.

Turning slowly I keep my eyes lowered and my shoulders hunched.


"Come down here."

Glancing fleetingly up to my room I plod down the stairs.  For a second or two I believe that maybe she'll go easy on me.  But when she speaks her voice gives away her anger.  It's the deadliest tone in the world.  Sickeningly sweet.

"Would you mind dear, telling me the time?"

Opening my mouth to respond it's like there's cotton in my mouth.  Licking my lips instead I just mutter, "I'm sorry I'm late."

She barks out a laugh as if what I said was meant to be a joke.  The kind of joke where it's more of an insult to laugh than not to.

"Yes, you are.  And may I ask, where were you?"

I know it's useless to try to answer her questions, her own suspicions override everything.  Besides past experience reminds me that she only gets angrier when contradicted.  What I didn't expect was her bringing in her new fling into this.  Usually she just plays with them in the bed.

"Honey can you come here for a second?"

A man appears by her side faster than I'd thought possible considering his size.  His voice however is higher than I expected it to be, but still obnoxious. 

"This him?"

My mom puts her hand on his arm and nods.

"This is him.  Parker meet Lance.  Lance, Parker."

Meeting his eyes for jut a second I know already we're not going to get along.  When he opens his mouth I know that she's finally found someone to toy with other than me.  Only she plans on using him to hurt my dad by hurting me.  As he speaks he steps closer as if his words and his feet are somehow connected.

"You've got a lot of nerve y'know that kid.  Here your mom brings me here just to meet you and you're not even here when we get here.  You're mom was worried sick."

Out of nowhere he hits me, and stumbling back I know he's not like the others before.  

He wants to see me suffer.  He wants to make me feel pain.  He wants to hurt me...

He slams me up against the wall and knees me in the stomach.  Slumping to the floor he waits until I catch my breath before hitting me again.

And again.

His fingers wrap around my neck and squeezes until it's nearly impossible to breathe and dark spots start to invade my vision. Clawing at his grasp on me I try to use my full weight to push him away. But he's bigger and heavier than I am, so it's like trying to push against a wall.

My eyes find my mom standing there in the doorway, smiling twistedly as she watches the scene unfold. There's excitement in her eyes, and eagerness to see what he'll do next.

The last thing I hear Lance spit at me is, "I'll teach you to make your Mom worry!"

But I've already lost myself in the comforting darkness of oblivion.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's lacking in details of how Parker's getting beaten but you must be sick if you were looking forward to those details- just saying.

But I'll make up for it in a future chapter probably