Status: Completed

Lessons Learned


I opened the door to myour home before slipping my key in my pocket and going to let Parker out of the car, surprised to see him standing there.

“You’re supposed to be in a wheelchair.” I said, glaring at him.

I don’t think that he realized by being a stubborn ass, all he was doing was prolonging his recovery.

“Shut up.” He said, his voice a little strained just from the effort it took to stand.

“You were cleared from the hospital, to be sent home on bed rest I stressed, and he shrugged.

“What they don’t know won’t hurt them.” He said, and took a step forward, cringing a little.

I wrapped an arm around his waist to help support his weight and held his arm with my hand.

“What you do to yourself will hurt you though.” I growled as we finally got inside. I guided him towards one of the couches in this too-large-for-one-person home, laying him down there.

He was drifting a little, just from all that use of energy. I sunk to my knees before him. “You idiot.” I scolded, putting my hand on his forehead to feel his temperature. If he overexerted himself, he could cause much harm, maybe some irreparable to his body, and I’d be damned if he did that to himself on my watchthen I couldn’t have my way with him later.

I helped him slip off his shoes and socks, his jeans and then his jacket and shirt, leaving him in his boxers so he’d be easier to carry.

Parker didn’t realize my intentions before I lifted him bridal style into my arms and carried him to the guest bedroom; thankfully it was on the first floor.

“Put…me…down…” He panted out.

I sighed. “No, you already hardly have any energy, I’m not letting you try to walk and have you tripping on your own feet and getting a concussion or something.” I told him, and he chuckled.

“You someone’s grandmother in a past life or something?” he asked as I settled the sheets in around him, and he grabbed greedily at the comforter, going to roll on his side before groaning, realizing that he couldn’t do that in his current condition.

“Maybe.” I said softly, looking down at the boy who honestly looked like a hurt little deer. Ever so slowly, I leaned down and pressed my lips to his in a chaste kiss, feeling the urge to do that before I bolted out the room to go and shut the car door and front door after retrieving all of his things from my car.

I’d asked him whether or not he wanted to go home and get some things, but he’d adamantly said no, so after he told me off the fourth time, I agreed to drop the subject.

Going into my kitchen, I decided to make a bowl of chicken noodle soup. It was supposed to be good for you when you were sick; it should help when you’re hurt as well.

I cooked it, using the microwavable stuff as I could hardly make pasta without burning myself and set it on a tray as well as a cup of water and some crackers.

Ever so gently, I nudged the door open to his room, seeing him layhing there, his mouth having fallen open slightly. I chuckled at the sight of it, setting down beside him, and holding the tray as I gently woke him and urged him to sit up.

Eventually he came to enough and sat up, letting me place the tray with a built in stand over his legs.

“Thanks.” He said softly, picking up a cracker and dunking it into the broth.

“No problem. How are you feeling?” I asked, putting my hand to his forehead once more. The doctor said that if he caught a cold, I’d have to take him back in immediately as it could spread to infect the rest of his body and get him horribly sick as he already had a weak immune system.

He scoffed “Look at me, how would you feel?” He asked, and I frowned slightly. What happened to that happy boy from school?

“Do you need help with anything?” I asked sincerely, but he bit at me.

“I don’t need anyone’s help.” He hissed, and I frowned, standing up.

“Well if you do, just call and I’ll come. I’ll be in the living room.” I said quietly.

I want the old Parker back.
♠ ♠ ♠
750 words in like.......20/30 mins.

