Status: Completed

Lessons Learned


Parker and I were lying in bed, lounging against one another. We had gotten home from school and I made him rest.

“Vias, I’m fine, I promise.” Parker grumbled. “Sure I’m a little sore, but other than that, I’m perfectly normal.” He murmured, looking at me with honesty in his eyes.

“You’re still in recovery from the hospital….I shouldn’t have been so reckless.” I scolded myself, putting my face in my hands.

Parker sighed, slipping out of bed to walk to the chair I was sitting in. The boy moved my hands and arms, placing himself onto my lap.

“You need to relax.” Parker whispered into my ear. “Don’t worry so much dear.” He told me.

Since we’d had out ‘moment’ together, in my classroom, he’d been oddly affectionate, but at the same time, his mind seemed further away than ever; a way of pushing me from him.

“How can I not worry when I don’t know that you’re completely safe? If I knew who hurt you, I could do something about it, tell the police, whatever so that you could be one hundred percent safe.” At my words, Parker remained silent, not saying anything.

Gently, slowly, he slipped off of my lap, walking back towards the bed and lying down. His lips remained closed and he merely stared at the ceiling.

Sighing, I walked out of the room and stared at my phone. I debated on who to call, who to talk to. I could call my ex-girlfriend, but that would be too awkward for anyone.

I found a number I hadn’t dialed in a while and pressed the call button, hoping he’d answer.

“Hey, it’s Dallyboy!” I heard and chuckled.

“Good joke Sven.” I laughed out. Dallan and Svenel were twins. I’d grown up with them and they were some fo the best people I know.

They were staying at their uncle’s place in England for the time being. I was staying with them over the summer, but I had to come back to teach when they school year stated.

They were supposed to as well but look how well that worked out. They were having too much fun playing the roles of the rich bachelors.

Their father was a very wealthy man and he was practically my own father. The three of us grew up in a neighborhood where all the parents were always gone due to the fact that they were rich as hell and could afford nannies and all of that garbage for their children.

The twins’ father was one of the parents that was home more often, whereas my father and mother were almost never home. Every important memory I have from my childhood, Christmases, Birthdays, all of those special events were all spend at Dallan and Svenel’s home with their father and mother, who bless her soul passed away from cancer not long ago.

It was hard on all of us.

They found out recently that their father had the same disease and he went to live with his brother, the twin’s uncle, and they were all spending his last days together.

It was two months before I left that he passed away and we held the funeral. Only a week ago, though did they find the will and the reading would be a month from the date it was found. This was all their father’s wishes, and so it would be followed.

“So, man, when are you coming home?” I asked, wanting to ease into what I really wanted to say. They didn’t even know that I was into guys none the less having drama with one.

“What did you really want to talk about Vias; I’m pretty sure it’s not about when I’m coming home.” Svenel asked and I smiled a little bit; of course he would know exactly what I wanted to talk about. “Is it about a girl?” He pressed on.

“Not a girl…exactly…” I breathed out. “It’s about a boy…”

“Well that’s different.” He said, noting the change I’ve made since Parker started after me I came back home. “Whatever floats your boat bro…but what’s going on with him?” He asked.

“He’s being really distant. Like I try and talk to him and he seems like he wants to be kind to me, but at the same time, there’s thing that I know he’s hiding from me. How can I have a relationship when the other person is hiding things from me?” I asked, unloading all of my problems onto him. “And on top of it, he got hurt, badly, and he tries blowing me off every time I try and talk about it. I’m at a loss of what to do.”

I heard Svenel breathe a sigh as he thought. “Well, what do you think Dally?” He asked as I assumed Dallan was right there.

“I don’t know…but if he is hiding something then the best thing to do is to outright confront him about it and ask him what’s going on. If he won’t tell you, then break up with him.” He said in a matter-of-fact way.

“I tried and he just gave me the silent treatment, and I can’t exactly break up with him…not in the way you mean exactly. Things are…complicated.” I huffed, moving from my spot leaning against the wall to get a pot out and cook up some spaghetti, my favorite meal.

“Complicated how Vias?” Dallan asked.

“He’s my student…and he’s living with me.” I waited for it and after a moment, sure enough, their voices came all at once.

“How could you be so stupid as to-“

“What the fuck is wrong with you!” They both yelled at me.

“I know…” I growled, pulling out the noodles and putting water in the pot.

“Easy, tell him you just want to break up until he’s out of school, so you don’t end up in jail.” Dallan said. “You haven’t slept with him yet so it’s just a emotional connection, nothing substantial that he could use against you if the break up turned nasty…right Vias?” He said.

At my silence they understood what happened.

“You dog you.” Svenel whistled.

“You dug your grave on this one…” Dallan told me. “When did it happen first?”

“Earlier today.” I said, cursing my luck.

I didn’t want to be done with Parker. I still liked the kidI’m finally admitting it to myself but that doesn’t mean that I was going to put up with him blowing me off and rejecting me.

If I wanted to worry about him then damnit, I would.

“Look, guys, I’ll call you later. I’m making pasta.” I told them and after their goodbyes, hung up, with no help, only an idea of just how deep I’m in.
♠ ♠ ♠
1100 words.
you know you love me.
now comment for us please?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
