Status: Completed

Lessons Learned


Leaning against the back window of Vias's car, legs dangling over the edge of the trunk, I buzz my lips as I wait for the teacher's meeting to end. Bored out of my mind I answer the built up unread text messages on my phone, acronym-ing as much as possible and not really thinking too hard about my replies. Deleting the ones asking me "what's up" or "how're you", skimming over the invites to hang out or party, and completely ignoring the random numbers that I don't recognize, I find that with the fast approaching graduation day everything I do or say doesn't feel forced anymore.

In fact it's more like I'm actually able to interact with my classmates and not feel that I can only tell them what they want to hear. Not that I haven't read the sports sections of the newspaper just to be able to discuss last night's game; or skim over the episode summaries of whatever tv series has everybody talking the next day. Cause truthfully I'm still doing just that. Only now, I don't feel as pressured to keep up the happy-go-lucky appearance.

On my reply to the hundredth text I swear, I hear voices coming from the general direction of the school. Looking up in time to see Mr. Bachman and Mrs. Annexsted animatedly discussing something I search the trickle of teachers for my man. At first I can't find him but then I find him talking to Hallie. Whatever they're talking about it looks pretty serious so I don't make my presence known.

Plus, what with all the other teachers around it wouldn't be a wise move on my behalf. There'd been enough protest when they'd discovered that I was staying at his place until the end of the school year. A board meeting had been assembled with a personal best of within 24 hours, with Vias and I brought in for an intense five hour duration interrogation. Had it not been for us being able to call the police to get them to back up our my situation at home I doubt he'd still be working here.

But we had and the air had been cleared of the accusations against Vias of having an affair with me. A portion of the older teachers still held him at a distance that they hadn't before but for the most part life had resumed as it always has. As for myself I'd gained a sympathy vote with the teachers who felt sorry about the treatment I'd received by my mom. Not that I used that to my advantage on my late assignments but it was nice to know that I did have the option to.

"Vias I can't believe you don't know where you'd like to teach at. Our time is almost up here and I've already got a job lined up in Arizona!"

"Honestly Hallie I've been a little preoccupied lately-"

"Don't even try to point the blame on Parker. Shesh. You're still young Vias but your tricks are that of an old man."

Trying to hide my smirk at Hallie's chastisement I slide my hand into my pocket and clench the folded piece of paper there. On it is my acceptance letter into the Rice University. My hands are sweaty but my excitement isn't really there. Mostly because I don't even know if I want to go. But I wanted to see his expression when I tell him.

I want him to realize that I'm going to catch up to him if it's the last thing I do.

Vias and Hallie talk a little longer before going their separate ways. Hallie to a emerald green corvette with a guy who greets her with a kiss, and Vias to me. Jumping off the trunk I catch the keys that he throws at me and go to the driver's side. Once Vias takes shotgun, I take us home. All the while Vias tries to start a conversation with me but I'm suddenly tongue tied as this'll be the first time I bring up the subject of after grad and I can't seem to process anything not relating to it at the moment.

Arriving to the house in silence I wait until he's settled on the couch before pacing a bit. Finally falling down next to him, he asks me if something's wrong but I just shake my head.

"Nah, not really. Just…"

"Just what?"

He props his head up with his arm and I can tell his full attention is on me now. Flipping my hair I take the rumpled paper from my pocket and hand it to him. Rather than opening it right away like most people would he stares at it and asks what it is. Rolling my eyes I say simply, "I got it in the mail today."

Curiosity getting the best of him he opens the paper and scans the letter. His eyes light up and his face bursts into a grin. Looking like an idiot but my idiot he congratulates me. Hugging me he murmurs in my ear, "You're too smart for your own good."

Smiling at the teasing in his voice I wrap my arms around his neck. Nuzzling my face into his collar bone I inhale the scent of his cologne and I almost forget what I've been meaning to talk about. It's not quiet enough though.

"What do you want to do in celebration Parker?"

My voice rises with my quarter-attentive response, "Hmm?"

He rests his head on my fore, locking his eyes on mine. Pride, admiration and happiness reflect in them, but so does something else. Something like confusion or worry.

"We could go out to eat. We could stay here and just relax. Or-"

Sitting here, this close to him but the distance between us age-wise and education-wise seems so great. Taking in his tousled hair and dancing eyes I can feel myself wanting to be closer to him. Ironically the easier it's gotten to be happy when I'm with my 'friends', the harder it's been to be around Vias. My needy craving to be touched by him, whether it's by his words, eyes or skin has been going into overdrive overtime I think about how our roads are probably going to split soon.

Might as well take his offer and run with it I guess.

Shifting a little to close the gap between us I say rather bluntly, without a second thought, "You."


Confusion is obvious so I clarify for him.

"I want you for my reward."

It takes a second before he understands but then he does. The left side of his mouth curling upwards he nods, mocking thoughtfulness as he says, "I suppose that can be arranged… Only one thing."

Titling my head slightly I ask what. He chuckles and tells me.

"You finally reveal what your after grad plans are."

Seeing my hesitation he adds, "I really want to know Parker. Want to know why?"

When he manages to catch my eyes, though mine are partially hidden by my hair, he murmurs, "Because I don't plan to let you leave me behind… You've been alone too long Parker. So just give it up already and let me in…"

Too many emotions flood my senses and I can't stop myself from kissing him. He nips my tongue when I try to enter and rises, pulling me up with him. By sheer luck we manage to make it to the bedroom, leaving a trail of scattered clothes in our wake.
♠ ♠ ♠
106 subs :3

Not sure if I like it but Sari approves so I'm posting this as it is.