Status: Completed

Lessons Learned


"Hey, hey wait up!"

Looking over my shoulder I see a girl with long brown hair streaked with red and bangs slashed across her face jogging a little to catch up with me. Stopping I do as she asks and when she catches up I get an uneasy feeling of what she's here for.

She bounces on the balls of her feet and leans a little towards me, exposing a little of her cleavage from the low v neck fitted t-shirt she's wearing, and looks up with a shy smile. I return her gesture half heartedly, and shove my hands into my pockets.

"Hey Izzy."

Her smile grows wider and quickly looking down then back up she says in a rushed voice, "Iwaswonderingifyou'dgooutwithme."

Holding up my hands I ask her to slow down, though I don't know why because i heard enough to know what she's asking. Blame it on protocol I suppose. At my request she takes a deep breath before complying.

"You're single right now right?"

I nod slightly and she's continues.

"Well I was wondering if maybe you'd want to go out."

I know I shouldn't but with situations like these it's just easier playing dumb.

"With who and where? Cause I'm kind of busy this week."

She doesn't take the hint though. Rather she seems to find it amusing because she giggles "cutely" and tilts her head with a c'mon-you-know-that's-not-what-I-meant expression. So I push my ignorance a little farther.

"No seriously I've got-"

"I meant with me silly! Will you go out with me?"

Izzy says the last part really slowly so there's no way I can keep pretending I don't understand. Sucking on my bottom lip I look off to the side. A moment passes and I can see a I-should've-known-better look cross her face. Before I get a chance to say anything she just says, "Sorry I said anything. I see you around."

She turns on her heel and walks defeatedly away. But I've been through this scene so many times that I can tell she's doing this only to see if I'll come chasing after her and tell her what she wants to hear. That it just took a while for the suddenness of her confession to sink in and that yes I would love to dater her- or something like that. Except, even if I wanted to it would only be a lie. And I don't like lying if it's going to only end up hurting someone else.

Turning back in the opposite direction I start walking again, head down and shoulders hunched a little. As I turn a corner a voice speaks.

"Playing ignorant only hurts the questioner even more, a smart boy like you should know at least that much."

Taken off guard I don't say a word as Mr. Littela brushes past me. Watching his retreating back I brush my hair out of my eyes and a corner of my mouth raises. Rolling my eyes I think to myself.

Yeah, like you're one to talk. You're the one pretending you don't see my interest. It's almost been a week and you still refuse to see me as anything more than a student…

Hefting my backpack up higher I mutter, "We'll see who the ignorant one is. We'll see…"
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Sorry for not updating sooner (^_^) I've been busy- the timeless alibi- but I'll be writing more frequently hopefully. Tomorrow's goals: Update Cherry Cola (which you should read) and complete You're Not My Prince, This Isn't a Fairytale :) Subscribe!